(Drumroll!) … After months of passion project work, and its surprise debut in New Zealand, welcome to WARRIOR CAMP’s Newest Sport!

This new Sport offers a next-gen experience that is primal, competitive, 8 vs. 8, and defined by rapid, epic action!  Move together with your Team to actively advance the Ball across the field and into 1 of your Score Zones.  But be ready.  The other Team is driven, and can defend, counter, and Score at any moment!

Age Recommendations: Middle School Students, High School Students, University Students, Young Adults, Adults.

God deserves all the glory for HammerHead, and we can’t wait for you to experience it for yourself!  We hope you like it!

Email: warriorcamp1@gmail.com


Host a Warrior Camp Birthday Party!

You Pick Up, Return Everything, and run the Party: $80 and Up (depending on options desired)

Warrior Camp Brings the Fun-Factor and Runs the Party: $150 and Up (depending on the options desired)

Currently available near and around Zip Code 83686.

Email: warriorcamp1@gmail.com


10:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m. . 1 Full Day / Saturday

Venue: We collaborate with our host-partner and choose together

Participation: 40 boys/young men and their dads

Compensation: $2300 and Up (depending on the options desired)

Email: warriorcamp1@gmail.com


Friday - Sunday

Venue: A qualifying campground / property within a desired driving distance

Participation: 40 middle-school and/or highschool students . Dads are welcome too.

Done in collaboration / partnership with a Youth Pastor, Camp Director, or Retreat Organizer. Warrior Camp runs a significant amount or all of

the program for the entire retreat, and/or at the level desired by our Ministry Partner.

Compensation: $2500 and up (depending on the options desired) + related expenses.

Email: warriorcamp1@gmail.com


Warrior Camp Provides the Signature Gear Only. You run the show: $800 and up (depending on the options desired)

Warrior Camp attends and fully joins with you on your mission trip, collaborates together with you, and helps co-lead a prayed over,

collaborative program

Compensation: $2500 + Trip Expenses (depending on the options desired).

Email: warriorcamp1@gmail.com


Using the best of our best, Warrior Camp equips your Camp, Church, VBS Program, or Ministry to run your own signature Warrior Camp

Experience with your own team at your own venue. We provide the Gear, Ideas, and Training. You run the show. ;)

Optional Current Battle-Sport Themes Include: Sword, BlowGun, Bow & Arrow, and SlingShot. All gear is provided and designed to be epic,

unforgettable, and best-in-class.

Compensation: Normally approximately $4000 and up (depending on the options desired).

Email: warriorcamp1@gmail.com


Warrior Camp collaborates with your school to host an unforgettable Special Event or Graduation Party / Graduation Celebration!

Customizable for public schools, charter schools, private schools, and home-school co-ops.

Example Schedule: 11:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.

Example Elements: 3-5 of our new or signature, collaboratively curated Epic Games and Activities + 1 Special Graduation Rally

Compensation: $1500 and up (depending on the options desired).

Email: warriorcamp1@gmail.com


Have another epic idea for partnering with WARRIOR CAMP? We’d love to hear it!

Reach out @ warriorcamp1@gmail.com

We can’t wait! :)




WCIAB is a special camp-to-camp ministry partnership in which Warrior Camp (WC) fully equips an approved Christian Camp to run their own epic Warrior Camp experience in-house, with their own Camp Ministry team, and as God leads. Here, WC custom builds a massive kit for your whole camp, using the best of the best of our epic game ideas, custom made battle-sport & recreational gear/equipment, training video content, best practices, etc... and then 'hands you the keys' so you can 'drive' this unforgettable and never-predictable experience for your Campers for a Summer, or year after year. (WCIAB is kinda like a VBS kit...on Red Bull...for Camps...except the games aren't lame ;) The cost of WCIAB can be (1) fundraised, (2) divided up into a small increase in each Camper's Camp Admission Fees, (3) made a part of the Annual Camp Recreational Budget, or (4) a creative combination of all of the above. And these are just a few ideas. WCIAB is versatile, and can be incorporated to add something new and fresh into your Week-Long Camp, or it can be divided up into Summer Camp Kits (with devotions) for individual families to order, take home, and enjoy as a Family, in the backyard, or with other Camper's families, especially as Camp leaders pivot due to Corona. Relatedly, your Camp could choose what they would like in their WCIAB a la carte style, or WC can 'go with its gut' in equipping your Camp, or a collaborative hybrid of the two. WCIAB has been a big win for one of our Camp Partner in Indiana year after year, and helped them offer something fresh, unpredictable, unforgettable and their best ever theme camps to their growing # of Campers. Praise God!

Email: warriorcamp1@gmail.com


If you've ever offered a Bonus Expedition like White-Water Rafting to your Campers, who can sign up for +$50 to go brave the rapids for a few hours during their Week at Camp, then the RYC Experience may be for you! RYC is for those Camps who want WC to physically bring some fire-sauce to their Campers, live and in person. RYC involves Warrior Camp leadership teaming up together with the Host Camp (HC) to offer signature WC epic experiences, smoothly and unobtrusively woven into the HC's desired week long program. In this partnership, the HC would give Campers the option to sign up for WC's RYC Xperience, and WC would (as an example) run this Xperience for 45-60 minutes a day during free time, etc... Before and after this Xperience, these Campers would be engaged in the regular Camp-wide program run by the HC. RYC could be offered to a select # of Campers who sign up, or potentially to the whole Camp on a rotating schedule/basis. An option which runs significantly longer than 45-60 minutes per day is also available. RYC can be a great option for Camps who want to offer something new, fresh and innovative to their Campers, and who like the idea of WC running an easily incorporated, high-octane Xperience for Campers who crave the epic and in a way that creates a win for our HC! Relatedly, if cost is not a deal breaker for your Campers, then (just as a hypothetical example) RYC can be offered at +$100 per Camper @ 40 Campers, and the HC can keep 10% for hosting, promotion, and registration. (This $100 is variable, and can help raise a little $ for the HC, and go back into the General Camp Ministry Fund for your Camper scholarships, or general camp ministry expenses, etc...)

Email: warriorcamp1@gmail.com


There are a couple options here.

Option #1: Day Camp Blitz

WC offers a Full-Day Camp Blitz (10:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m.) at the HC's Campground. This Full-Day WC Blitz Edition can take place on a Saturday, so that it is unaffected by the traditional school and work schedules. It can also take place year-round, weather permitting, and offers something dynamic and with minimal intrusion into other Camps and Camp operations. For Option #1, the HC is in charge of promotion and registration while WC focuses on creating and running the Camp Program with the Campers. The HC and WC may work together regarding the recruitment of WC Leaders. The HC receives a portion of all Camper's Registration, and is a genuinely appreciated Host Camp. Option #1 can add value to our HC by creating another new, fresh, innovative option for Campers, that points this generation to Christ. From a business perspective, this Option can also help add a new revenue stream for the HC, and for which the HC's requisite work-hours invested may be less than in the context of a normal camp. Option #1 operates under the approach that 'What we lack in time we make up for with intensity!'. It is a rapid-fire, high-octane Day Camp Experience jammed to the max with epic games, unforgettably fun experiences, and powerful God-time. Option #1 is demographic-versatile, but may be an ideal fit for kids in grades 3-6, families, church sponsored events, or any group/demographics who are time-limited and/or who prefer a duration of 1 full, intense day over something longer.

Email: warriorcamp1@gmail.com

Option #2: Weekend Retreat

WC offers a Weekend Retreat Format known as the War Games Weekend. This option operates virtually identically to Option #1 above, with the exceptions of length, and a pace that has a bit more breathing room and freedom built in. Spiritually, a full weekend provides even more opportunity to connect with God and over a longer period of time. This extended time-frame can also open up the door to other activities and experiences that aren't optimal for Option #1 above. Option #2 may also be of greater/significant interest to demographics in middle-school, highschool, college, or beyond, as well as leadership teams, and/or those who want to get away for a full weekend.

Email: warriorcamp1@gmail.com


This kind of partnership is for Camps, Ministries, Churches or Organizations interested in the options below:

A. WC Original Products that are new to your Camp, rare, and epic, and which could go great in your Camp Gift Shop and which support a good cause. This option also gives your Campers some epic products to experience @ your Camp, while helping raise $ for your Camp at the same time.

B. Unforgettable giveaways to your Campers for prize-drawings, contests, awards, Camper's and Leader's birthdays, etc...

C. The most epic nerf blowguns on the planet for your Camp leaders and counselors to have nerf wars with, build team-spirit and Camp-culture with, and have fun with their Campers with :)

D. Using WC Products in your own Fundraising Efforts, Fundraising Auctions, Christmas Expos, etc...

(*A portion of every sale goes to support Warrior Camp, and sales could help support your Camp too when sold in your Camp Gift Shop/Snack Shack, Fundraising Auctions, etc... ).

Related Links :)



(*Discounts available for Camp Ministry Partners and/or Bulk Orders)

Email: warriorcamp1@gmail.com



WARRIOR CAMP is a non-profit 501c3 organization. WC always customizes the recreational program precisely around the demographic being ministered to. WC Leadership also runs a separate LLC (WarGear LLC / Brand: Unleash Epic (UE) ) that is designed to serve with excellence, public schools, corporations, and groups that may not operate with an explicit Christian mandate. These groups can be offered similar booking options as those offered through the ministry of WC. Special Birthday Party Events are also available through UE or through WC.

Email: warriorcamp1@gmail.com
