From: Lynchburg, Virginia
1. Blast from the Past
2. Enter the WARRIOR CAMP Speaker!
3. WARRIOR CAMP History 101
4. WARRIOR CAMP Fall Forecast
5. Thanks to Warrior Nation and Special WC Letter
6. Special WARRIOR CAMP Media Expo:
(Pics, Video, and 1st WC Slideshow)
I hope you're having a great Fall!
Today is a special day for Warrior Camp, because exactly 3 years ago, with lots of prayer and hard work, we had the chance to see God take Warrior Camp from a cool vision to an undeniable and inspiring reality. I remember it like it just happened.
But, at the time, it seemed like it almost didn't happen, due to some issues with location and scope. And then...a breakthrough from a youth pastor who was courageous enough to let his students be the first guinea pigs! Next: 2 weeks to promote and get ready. Pray hard and push the pedal down. Pray, plan, and prepare 24/7. Talk about a rat race, especially when you're really banking on a bunch of fun noodles and Walmart has conveniently decided that summer ended 3 weeks ago. Pray about that too. And then God provided an awesome Plan B. Wow. He's so good at that! Next: gear up for a full day of stellar games, and do it as a jobless college-grad on a spinster-tight budget. Ok. Not sure how we did it, but we did. Sometimes our less-than-ideal circumstances seem to attract God's provision, and in the end we had just what we needed. Nothing quite like the class of "God Provides 101". Next, a reminder from God: "Don't forget what this is all about. Prayerfully compose some hard-hitting discipleship that these boys really need and crave as young men." So we did. Three discipleship rallies spread throughout the day. "The Warriors of Judges." "How To Be A Good King." "What a Godly Girl Looks For." Ok. I think we're ready. "God, please bless this all for your glory."
And then the big debut! 17 boys, mostly in jr. high, rolled out of the church van to fully engaged in asweaty 10-hour marathon of testosterone-packed games and of being challenged by stories of epic Bible heroes, on a grass field in southwest Idaho in early fall. (If you want to see some highlights from that same first Warrior Camp, feel free to check out the links at the bottom of this post). At the end of the day, we piled up some large stones commemorating the boy's commitments to God and our promises to pray for each other. Later that night, once the dust had settled, it was crystal clear: God had His fingerprints all over Warrior Camp. Nothing could have gone better. Young men had experienced an epic blast in an unapologetic Christian atmosphere. This was boyhood fantasy as God intended. Students had committed something to God and to pray for each other, including the shy kid who rarely ever opened up. Later on we found out one kid got saved! This was a God thing, and way bigger than us. I dropped off all the Warriors in the church van and they began to find their parents and head home. I stayed in the driver's seat of that church van, for I'm not sure how long, and basked in God's glory. The camp vision God had given me was now alive and real. There are no words for it. No feeling in the world like that. "God, you're amazing."
It's hard to believe, but that was 3 years ago today! God has stretched and shaped me along the journey, and since then, our team has expanded and grown in exciting ways. In this update, I'd like to do something new which we've never done. Chris Pope is one of my strong and trusted Christian friends who, for a slew of reasons that could fill volumes, I have asked to be our Warrior Camp Discipleship Speaker both last summer and this summer. That's not a role I fill lightly, but I'm 100% excited to have Chris on the team. Since you put up with me in every update, now is a great time to introduce you to one of the other key players on our team. He's agreed to jump in on this update and so, without further adieu, I'll turn it over to him. Welcome aboard Chris!
From Chris Pope to Warrior Nation:
Greetings from the Northwest! So many things have been happening in the life of Warrior Camp over the last few years since I have had the privilege to be a part of it.
This last summer two churches brought Warrior Camp to their doors. We traveled to Grandview, Washington and Nampa, Idaho. We were not prepared for the surprises that God had in store.
Many times I think that we can underestimate the faith of a child. No where in Scripture do you read that God wants His children to walk with a blind faith. He wants a child-like faith. He tells us in His word that He is the light of the world. He does not want us to stumble or trip, He wants to light our path.
I noticed the students this summer throwing the curtains open. Revealing the dust in their lives. Showing what needs to be cleaned. They boldly stood in front of their peers and announced what they wanted/needed freedom from. They dared their peers to hold them accountable. They learned what it meant to demonstrate a life of honor, courage, and commitment to God. We talked about living a life of integrity by making honorable choices. Students looked at the life of Daniel and his three friends who demonstrated courage. They studied what made Joshua determine that this day he and his family would serve the Lord.
Our students learn from us. If we want them to live a life of honor, courage, and commitment to God then they have to see it in us. We need to ask ourselves if we are setting them up for success or failure. There is a reason Christ called the little children to Him and rebuked those who would hinder them.
Thanks Chris! So true. Thanks for bringing some awesome God-talks this summer. Great to have you on the team.
Since this is a special 3 Year Anniversary Edition, I thought it might also be a fun time to push the rewind button a bit and track Warrior Camp from Day 1 through this Fall. Not that there's ever any confusion here, but God gets all the glory! So buckle up for the WARRIOR CAMP History 101:
Easter Weekend, 2005: God inspires the vision for Warrior Camp
Camp #1
Nampa, Idaho
Lake Lowell Park
September 8, 2007
Attendance: 17 boys
Age: Mostly Jr. High
The spark that started a fire = First WARRIOR CAMP ever. God gets all the credit! Thanks to Todd and all the Warriors for being brave guinea pigs! 10 hours in which the vision became alive. The debut for what would define WARRIOR CAMP. "Awesome Game Time. Awesome God Time". Almost no $ to work with, but God provides. Raft Relays, Highland Games, Weapon Workshop, and Sword Battles. Discipleship Rallies: "Mighty Men from Judges". "How to Be a Good King". "What a Godly girl wants". Prayer/Share/Rock Ceremony. (Guess which one was the favorite?) Also: First WARRIOR CAMP DVD and WARRIOR CAMP Pics are borne. Slowly but surely, the word begins to spread! Big thanks to our original team and original warriors! A fantastic day ending in amazing gratitude to and awe of God. One Warrior gets saved as a result!
Camp #2
Grandview, Washington
Grandview Church of the Nazarene Field
July 10, 2009
Attendance: 24 boys
Age: grades 4-7
Sophomore Event! Hitting the road and going out of state for our first non-home-church invite, and furthest distance ever travelled for WARRIOR CAMP. The Warriors made the front page! Also new: Games, Discipleship Rallies: "Dare to Be a Daniel", Knighthood Ceremony, Weapon Workshop: Blow Guns, new Discipleship Speaker dedicated exclusively to the Discipleship Rallies, Expanded Team, 1st WARRIOR CAMP T-shirts.
Camp #3
Grandview, Washington
Grandview Church of the Nazarene Field
July 17, 2010
Attendance: 33 boys
Age: grades 3-6
First 2nd invite. Woohoo! Biggest Warrior turnout ever. Warriors made it into "The Daily Sun" and "The Grandview Herald" 3 combined times. We're proud of you Washington Warriors! Thanks so much for having us back. Other 1sts: New Games and Discipleship Rallies: "Honor. Courage. Commitment to God." Monument Ceremony in which every Warrior voluntarily made some kind of commitment to God = so awesome to see! WARRIOR CAMP Obstacle Course (aka "The Crucible"), Warrior Camp Dog Tags, Group Photo, Official Photo Slideshow, 2nd WARRIOR CAMP T-shirt, and Sunday morning service show-and-tell. Thanks a ton Grandview! We love you all, and will see you next Summer!
Camp #4
Nampa, Idaho
Bethel Church of the Nazarene Field
July 31, 2010
Attendance: 25 boys
Age: Grades 4-7
(Note: We were praying for 25 boys. Praise God!)
Back on the Stomping Grounds! First WARRIOR CAMP back in Idaho in almost 3 years. For some of our Warriors, they got to experience WARRIOR CAMP like their older brothers had done in 2007. Final discipleship rally in which 24 Warriors voluntarily made some kind of commitment to God! = awesome. It was great to bring WARRIOR CAMP back home where it all began! This also capped off our first "double-header" summer in which we had 2 WARRIOR CAMPS. You Idaho Warriors are awesome, and we're looking forward to seeing you again next Summer!
(Total WARRIOR CAMP Attendance to Date: 99)
Fall Season . Every Week . Warrior Club . Lynchburg, VA . OBIC Farm . September - November
September 18, 2010 . Warrior's Birthday Party Bash . Lynchburg, VA . OBIC Farm . 11:00am - 3:15pm
October 23, 2010 . Brentwood Church Father/Son Warrior Camp Event . Lynchburg, VA . OBIC Farm
I really hope you enjoyed this special 3 year Anniversary Update! On this day, I want to give everyone of you in Warrior Nation a special huge and heartfelt thank you for all your support, prayer, and encouragement over these last 3 years. I can't say that enough. I'm not going to sugar coat it. There have definitely been some speed bumps and challenges, but God is doing big things, and we're excited to be apart of what seems to be a growing momentum as we move ahead into this Fall season and Summer 2011. All of you in Warrior Nation are an invaluable part of that.
As promised, I've included the links to pics and game highlights from our very first Warrior Camp below. I hope you enjoy them! I've also included a link to our New-This-Summer Warrior Camp Photo Slideshow...with music! Brent (one of our die-hard media wizards) definitely gets a big high-five here for burning the midnight oil on Saturday night after Warrior Camp to get this ready for the Sunday morning service the very next day. It's the first media production of its kind for Warrior Camp, and as of today, has been posted to YouTube. I've included the link below. Hope you enjoy it! Great job Brent! We're blessed to have you on the team.
Thanks again Warrior Nation! You're the best.
Have a great Fall and God bless,
PS: If you want to check it out, there's a description of what the Warriors did this summer which we sent to the parents of WARRIOR CAMP: IDAHO. You can check it out via our August blog post under "SPECIAL LETTER" or by clicking here. If you have any questions you'd like us to tackle in our next update, feel free to let us know at Maybe yours will be picked!
WARNING: This is a Special WARRIOR CAMP Media Expo: 3 Year Anniversary Edition! (If you experience excessive laughter, an uncontainable amount of joy, side aches or facial tension from viewing this media, please feel free to take a break before resuming).
Highlight Pics
September 8, 2007
Courtesy of: Jaden, Warrior Camp Media Wizard
Slideshow View:
Manual View:
Game Highlights Video
September 8, 2007
Courtesy of: Jaden, Warrior Camp Media Wizard
1st Official WC Photo Slideshow
July 17, 2010
Grandview, Washington
Courtesy of: Brent, Warrior Camp Media Wizard