From: 28,000-30,000 feet
Hello Warrior Nation! Wow. It seems like each one of our interactions has something distinguishing or record-making about it. Today is no exception. I thought it'd be fun to talk to you from inside this big DC9 somewhere between Detroit and Minneapolis while cruising at about 30,000 feet, and knifing through the atmosphere at over 500 miles per hour. (Check that off the bucket-list!) Believe it or not, before departing for Detroit earlier today, eavesdropping passengers (including myself) witnessed some comic relief when the otherwise professional and extroverted stewardess asked a female passenger to return to her previous seat in order to help balance the weight of the plane! (I’m still not sure if she was joking, but am sure that any male attendant would’ve gotten slapped for that one).
Anyway, for those 2 people out there (1 being my mom) who may be interested in why I happen to be airborne at the moment, thanks for facilitating a creative segue! I’m actually in the process of personally moving for the first major time ever, and (believe it or not) locking down in one place for once. You see, I’ve been bouncing back and forth between Idaho and Virginia like a traveling nomad for awhile, but this time it’s different. Some of you may remember when Warrior Camp packed its bags and headed to Virginia for an East Coast debut last year, and how excited we were to go through the doors God was opening. That was a year of God doing big things, and I encourage you to check out the related blog posts! While I'll probably bounce back to Virginia once in awhile during vacation days, this year something new is on the horizon. When it comes to youth ministry, things are about to become a bit more like a running a full-fledged Taco Bell vs. driving that mobile burrito truck on the street corner. (Not that there's anything wrong with driving a burrito truck!). Anyway, for much of the last 2 weeks, I've been in Virginia hanging out with my bro and cousin over their Spring break, saying good-bye to friends, practically jumping on top of my stuff to cram it into moving boxes, and getting on a first-name basis with the UPS employees. (No joke...they ARE all about logistics!) For the next week-ish, my stuff will be gradually showing up on my doorstep in Nampa, Idaho. It's a farewell that is full of unforgettable memories, but it's good to be coming home.
Why the move? Since our last update, God has opened up an exciting ministry door in my original stomping grounds of Nampa, Idaho. About 3 weeks ago (3-2-11), my pastor called and broke the news: following my interview (2-26-11), he and the board were inviting me to serve as the youth pastor of my home church. To say I’m excited would be about as understated as suggesting that Agent Orange makes for questionable toothpaste, or that Kimbo Slice has forgotten what Walmart-aisle has the shaving cream. It's the start of something new, and is still sinking in! I want to be faithful, fully plugged in, and used by Him at this new post, and your prayers are greatly treasured. In addition, the visionary wheels are spinning over what new ministry opportunities God might open up for Warrior Camp, as we prayerfully and diligently adjust our cross-hairs and focus in on the Northwest. A new chapter begins!
At the risk of sounding like the Academy Awards, thanks so much to Dave, Angela, Diana, and to One Body in Christ Ministries (OBIC) for giving us the opportunity to debut Warrior Camp in the East Coast last year. I really mean that. None of this would have happened without you. Big high-fives also to the awesome team at Brentwood Church for (being brave enough to give us "out-of-staters") the opportunity to partner with you in the first Father/Son Warrior Camp Event ever. (Amee and Angie: you're a blessing and a riot to work with!). Props to all the Dads for going the distance with their sons that day. To all the boys in the Warrior Club, including Josh and Caleb: I love your Bible names and the Bible heroes who owned them before you. Let them inspire your own walk with God and don't forget what He did in you yourselves last Fall. Keep owning Scripture, maturing in strength and courage, and growing into the young man after God's own heart that He calls you to be. Thanks also to the 3 moms who invited us to realize a fun idea of one-day running Warrior's Birthday Bash Parties for birthday boys. Hope you boys enjoyed your party! Thanks a ton to our willing and dedicated East Coast team: Jaden, Brent, Nate, Vargas, and Camp Nurse Ashley for all your sweat and enthusiasm. It shows and is so motivating. I refuse to believe that what God did in all of these kid's lives last year in Lynchburg, Virginia will be hampered or erased by this new transition to Idaho. God is way too big for that. May all the ministries at OBIC and Brentwood continue flourishing in His big and capable hands.
That’s all for now (before I get choked up) but definitely more later. As always, thanks so much for your words of encouragement, donations, support, and prayer.
Looking forward to this new season God is unfolding, and I trust you’re experiencing God’s hand afresh too!
Stay connected, and God bless,
Isaiah 43:16-21