

1.  First Warrior Camp Weekend

          Since we first began on September 8, 2007, Warrior Camp has been 1 day long.  Yeah, it's never a normal day when students sprint through a 10-12 hour blitz of fish-fights, high-octane activities, weapon-building, battle-games, and feasting on the manly stuff from God's Word.  And we're excited to continue doing the 1-full-day Warrior Camp with any churches brave (or crazy!) enough to invite us.  But, 1 month from today, WARRIOR CAMP is about to get bigger, and we'll be kicking off our first ever Warrior Camp Weekend!  Various students from 2 different cities, representing different Christian churches and 1 Christian school, are planning on attending the "WARRIOR GAMES 2012" on June 1-3 in Cascade, Idaho ... we're a little excited!  Mega thanks to Trinity Pines Camp ( for your willingness to host us. We're praying and hoping for God to move in a big, bold way in every camper's life.  And since this is the biggest Warrior Camp event we've ever aimed for, thanks so much for all your prayers!  (It's also the 1st Warrior Camp event which I'm bringing my own youth group to, and believe it or not, after 1 year, I haven't gotten fired yet!)  But thanks so much for all your prayer and encouragement.  As one of my heroes said, “Nothing of eternal importance is ever accomplished apart from prayer.”

2.  Camper Scholarship/Sponsorship Opportunity

If you'd like to consider helping send a kid or teen to Warrior Camp this summer, please pray about it and move as God leads.

But first, you must read and agree with…”The Warrior Camp Rules About Money Stuff...”

As much as we might like to applaud your enthusiasm, we’re begging that everyone please not do the following:


A.   Conclude that Warrior Camp will go belly up like a sun-bloated Texas armadillo unless you mail us a check for 1 million dollars.  (We’re not clever enough to sell this one anyway).

B.     Tackle the usher at your church and snatch up your tithe from the offering plate so you can send it to Warrior Camp

C.  Feel guilt-tripped into giving when the mere thought is less appealing than playing “Marco Polo” with snapping turtles

D.   Audition for “Deadliest Catch” and vomit over the side for 3 months straight while flirting with death so you can afford to send a kid to Warrior Camp

E.     Sell your house and send your kids packing to the nearest orphanage while you and your wife camp under the overpass for the next month so you can send a jr. higher to Warrior Camp.  Doghouse anyone?


If you’ve prayed about it and still want help send a kid to Warrior Camp, (and can do so without breaking the rules) feel free to send me an email at  Thank you so much to everyone for all your prayer and support you’ve already given, and for continuing to pray for Summer 2012 to be everything epic, fun, and spiritually monumental that God has in His heart for it to be.  Thank you!


3.  Our very own non-profit status for Warrior Camp

          We’re working on this, and we’ll keep you posted!


4.  Chosen

          Know how hard it is to say “No” to a sobbing girl?  Yeah, believe me, all of us at Warrior Camp feel your pain….every time a girl begs to come to Warrior Camp.  “Can I come…I won’t tell.”  “I can do everything boys can do.”  “What if I do what Amanda Bynes did in the movie “She’s the man.”  “What if I shave my head and dress like a boy?”  “I beat up all the boys in my P.E. class.”  (Ok, maybe some of that is my imagination, but it still has the ring of truth!). 

So, having grown tired of being the bad guy, weary of all the drama of turning down hundreds of girls with running mascara, and having become a little freaked out by a few death threats if we didn’t cooperate (ok, maybe I’m exaggerating…slightly), I’m all too excited to announce to all the young ladies out there...drumroll please... YOU NOW HAVE YOUR OWN VERSION OF WARRIOR CAMP!  Yahoo!  (Freedom!)  So, wipe your tears, and send a friend request to my friends Alyssa Kelley and Natalie Lopez on facebook.  They’re the leaders of this new camp designed by girls, and for girls.  It’s called “Chosen”, and is set to debut this Summer 2012 in Grandview, Washington on July 27, and in Nampa, Idaho on August 10. 

Alyssa and Natalie have an amazing heart to see young girls thrive in their beautiful identity in Christ, and to mentor girls in their growing walk with God.  I’m so excited about the fun games, activities, impacting God-time, and meaningful small groups that will define “Chosen”, and how God will use it to encourage and edify every girl who attends.  Pray for Alyssa and Natalie as they prayerfully prepare for “Chosen’s” first Summer.  And if you don’t have facebook, but would like to contact them, feel free to send them an email at  Alyssa and Natalie, we're cheering you on!


5.  Home and Bike Adventure

          This doesn’t as obviously connect to Warrior Camp, and definitely won’t impress all the fitness freaks in Warrior Nation (props to you guys by the way!), but 24 hours ago, I returned home from the longest mountain bike-ride of my life.  12 miles mixed with up and down, on road and trail, alongside a scenic lake and with views and places just on the outskirts of my own home-town of Nampa which, somehow I’ve never seen before.  Anyone who knows what it’s like to embark on an exploration or adventure into God’s epic creation knows the feeling, and how inadequate words are to convey the awe of experiencing it for yourself, especially for the 1st time.

I borrowed my brother’s bike and left in such a rush, I didn’t pack water.  No worries, it’s Nampa, Idaho, but there’s still enough water around here.  I’ll take a drink from that farm ditch.  Just one mouthful.  Then back on the bike.  A few miles later, two more drinks from a major canal which serves as the life-blood of an oasis-like lake out in the country.  This water-way is so surreal, surrounded by lush vegetation, and alive with birds and creatures that I’ve recently named it the “Nampazon”.  This water looks clean.  Surely there are at least a couple drinks here that won’t get me sick.  Been there done that before.  Once is enough.  But dehydration isn’t much fun either.  Pull the jacket off and stay cool.  Back on the bike.  This whole place is amazing.  Lots more to explore!

Just beyond my watering hole, I parked the bike on a gravel trail, and sat down on the edge of a piece of farmland that defines everything I’m looking for.  You see, since we talked last, I've been looking for a house to buy, or more recently, a place to build on.  I’ve filtered through hundreds of houses online, toured a good number of houses with my real estate agent, weighed the pros and cons of buying vs. building and envisioned what I’m looking for.  This property I’m on now would be amazing for my youth group to hang out at, and for all the boys from Warrior Camp.  This piece of land first caught my attention a little over a week ago, and is a giant green rectangle that’s about 2.7 acres big.  To the North and East, huge stretches of farmland roll and slope while geese make themselves at home in the short but growing crop.  To my right is a mysterious patch of woods that hugs the property’s southern edge, almost like the trees curiously want to be there.  Just behind me, to the West, lies a scenic 5 mile long trail which partially flanks the sprawling tree-fringed lake who's meandering shoreline stretches 20 miles around.

There with vast stretches of farm land between me and the nearest neighbor, I pray for God’s will in this new exciting chapter of life.  I’m in the middle of a house-hunt, and God is leading me out into the deep end of the pool of trust in a whole new way.  It’s stretching.  This thing is bigger than me.  Way bigger!  “God, this piece of land is absolutely amazing.  It would be epic to live out here.  I really want it.  Or something like this.  This is your creation.  You are in this place.  If it’s your will for me to buy this land, open the door.  I want what you want.  Do what you want to do. You’re an awesome God.” 

I stay here for I’m not sure how long, relishing the view and eating a few blades of wheat that have managed to pop up on the farm’s outer edge.  The dirt under my finger-nails, the wind rippling the tops of the wheat, the symphony of wind coursing through the trees behind me…God is in this place.  This is a sanctuary, a sacred place that testifies to His grandeur.  It’s one of those rare kind of moments that we never forget…the kind we wish could never end…. a glimpse of paradise.  Our God is truly an awesome God.  The earth and all creation testify to His majesty.  To God be the glory!

About 8.5 scenic miles and over an hour later, I made it back home.  And so far, I haven’t become a case study for water-borne mutating viruses.  (Thank you Jesus for the immune system!).  This definitely isn’t the normal Warrior Camp Update (if there is such a thing), but I wanted to share what’s up with Warrior Camp, and give you a little glimpse into my bike ride with God yesterday.  I'll keep you posted on the house/land thing.  

I’d love to hear your story, and how God is growing you in your relationship with Him.  Thanks again so much for your support and prayer for the boys who will come to Warrior Camp this Summer.

That's all for now.  Have a great week.  Thanks again for all your prayer, support and encouragement.  Stay connected, and I’ll post some pics of our Warrior Camp Weekend 2012 next month. 

All for His glory,


Psalm 19:1


PS:  I tagged some pics below if you want to check them out.



Dream Lot! (Right Side)

Dream Lot! (Right Side)





Some awesome clouds during an earlier trip out here

Some awesome clouds during an earlier trip out here

Blog Pic 5.jpg
Blog Pic 6.jpg


Blog Pic 8.jpg
Blog Pic 9.jpg
Blog Pic 10.jpg
Dripping after the ceremonial and inevitable head dunk

Dripping after the ceremonial and inevitable head dunk

On the road home.  PS: Asphalt is way easier and faster than trail!

On the road home.  PS: Asphalt is way easier and faster than trail!

Blog Pic 13.jpg
Signs of civilization

Signs of civilization

12 miles baby!  Almost Home.  Thank you God for an epic ride!

12 miles baby!  Almost Home.  Thank you God for an epic ride!





Hope you had a great Thanksgiving celebrating God's goodness!

We haven't done something quite like this before, but we've received some kind, encouraging feedback that has trickled in via text last year.  (Thank you so much to all for all your encouragement and prayer, and mega-thanks to all our camp team).  As always, God deserves all the praise.  If you're curious, feel free to check out the feedback below.

Hope you have a great Christmas!

All for God's glory,


Luke 2





“Just on the phone with the mom of eric (really tall WC kid) who was inquiring about WC2010.  Her husband said that WC was the single most important event that eric has ever been to.  So cool.”

Sarah Schmahl

Children's Pastor

Grandview Church of the Nazarene

Grandview, Washington




“Thank u so much 4 everything ….. u 2 really made it a great day 4 the kids!!”


Warrior's Mom regarding his Warrior's Birthday Bash

Lynchburg, Virginia




“Awesome job today “speedracer”!!!  I don’t feel like I gave you enough credit!  Great job to all your “minions” as well…”

Angie Casola

Father/Son Event Wizard

Brentwood Church

Lynchburg, Virginia




“He is worn out = SUCCESS :)”


Warrior's Mom

Lynchburg, Virginia




“LOVE the “Warrior’s Creed”!  Stopped at Walgreens and framed it for Caleb.  :)"


Warrior's Mom

Lynchburg, Virginia






Special newly posted videos linked below...

September 8, 2011...Today WARRIOR CAMP turns 4!  Thank you so much for all your enduring prayer, support, and encouragement = huge. As of this past summer, we crossed a mile-marker, and now well over 100 Warriors to date have battled it out at WARRIOR CAMP in Idaho, Washington, and Virginia, and dug deep into the manly, epic stuff from God's Word.  So proud of these young warriors.  We're cheering them on as they grow and mature in what Christian author Eric Ludy (one of my role models) would call "the lost greatness of masculinity". It's a masculinity different from the predictably lame version that characterizes TV sitcoms. (Yeah, Raymond is great for a laugh, but he's definitely not anyone's role model).  Instead, the masculinity we're interested in is patterned after the King of Kings Jesus Christ, who took on death head on, and defeated it for you and me. It's anchored in God's Word, which is likened to a sharp, double-edged Sword. We're called and challenged to be bold as a lion.  This is the kind of faith that God ignites to bring giants to the ground.  That takes on a larger enemy with only 300 men.  It will look tyrants in the face and declare unconditional allegiance to God alone.  It will be stoned, shipwrecked, flogged, and crucified upside down, and still count it a joy to suffer for the Name.  It's passion and commitment for what is in God's heart.  It will use staffs, slings, rocks, donkey jawbones ... whatever it takes.  The flame of Christ's gospel has transformed men across the spectrum, from the most elite Pharisee, to the scorned tax-collector, to the roughneck fisherman.  No favoritism.  No respector of persons.  It's not conditional or compromising.  It can't be bought or bribed.  It's ignited by an otherwordly flame that began at the cross and exploded in glorious triumph at the empty tomb. 

And in that triumph, to live in His strength, set apart from the world, declaring war on sin by that powerful grace, and the joy to live white-hot and aflame with God's epic purpose, which is far greater and higher than any counterfeit the enemy might aim to bait us with.  To take a stand against evil, and for what is good.  To lend your God-given strength to stand in the gap and protect what is beautiful, tender, good, vulnerable, valuable, and True, and if necessary, to bleed in the fray.  That's masculinity as God designed it.  That's something to celebrate. It's world-changing, and I hope it fuels your passion too!


On this 4 year anniversary of the very first Warrior Camp, I want to do something special that we haven't done before.  (Records are meant to be broken, right?).  So, on this momentous occasion (drumroll please :) we're going to fling open the iron-clad vaults, and openly release not 1 but 2 special Warrior Camp videos for the very first time.  (Big thanks to Jaden, one of our Media Wizards, for making this "biggest video release" happen).  So, just wanted to invite you to grab some pop-corn and check out the new links below.  (No tickets necessary.  It's on the house :).  Hope you enjoy!



(Production Props to Brent Bartlow, Warrior Camp Media Wizard)


WARRIOR CAMP . Extended Edition

(Production Props to Jaden Bartlow, Warrior Camp Media Wizard)


We're also humbled and excited about what God may have on the horizon for next Summer. (More on this later!).


Much love to all of you in Warrior Nation. Take heart, stay connected, and God bless!



Psalm 18



9.8.11 > Recap 101

WARRIOR CAMP Recap 101 (below)

I thought it might be a fun time to push the rewind button a bit and track Warrior Camp from Day 1 through the present.  Not that there's ever any confusion here, but God gets all the glory! So buckle up for a running version of WARRIOR CAMP Recap 101:


Easter Weekend, 2005: God inspires the vision for Warrior Camp


Camp #1


Nampa, Idaho

Lake Lowell Park

September 8, 2007

Attendance: 17 boys

Age: Mostly Jr. High

The spark that started a fire = First WARRIOR CAMP ever. God gets all the credit! Thanks to Todd and all the Warriors for being brave guinea pigs! 10 hours in which the vision became alive. The debut for what would define WARRIOR CAMP. "Awesome Game Time. Awesome God Time". Almost no $ to work with, but God provides. Raft Relays, Highland Games, Weapon Workshop, and Sword Battles. Discipleship Rallies: "Mighty Men from Judges". "How to Be a Good King". "What a Godly girl wants". Prayer/Share/Rock Ceremony. (Guess which one was the favorite?) Also: First WARRIOR CAMP DVD and WARRIOR CAMP Pics are borne. Slowly but surely, the word begins to spread! Big thanks to our original team and original warriors! A fantastic day ending in amazing gratitude to and awe of God. One Warrior gets saved as a result!


Camp #2


Grandview, Washington

Grandview Church of the Nazarene Field

July 10, 2009

Attendance: 24 boys

Age: grades 4-7

Sophomore Event! Hitting the road and going out of state for our first non-home-church invite, and furthest distance ever travelled for WARRIOR CAMP. The Warriors made the front page! Also new: Games, Discipleship Rallies: "Dare to Be a Daniel", Knighthood Ceremony, Weapon Workshop: Blow Guns, new Discipleship Speaker dedicated exclusively to the Discipleship Rallies, Expanded Team, 1st WARRIOR CAMP T-shirts.


Camp #3


Grandview, Washington

Grandview Church of the Nazarene Field

July 17, 2010

Attendance: 33 boys

Age: grades 3-6

First 2nd invite. Woohoo! Biggest Warrior turnout ever. Warriors made it into "The Daily Sun" and "The Grandview Herald" 3 combined times. We're proud of you Washington Warriors! Thanks so much for having us back. Other 1sts: New Games and Discipleship Rallies: "Honor. Courage. Commitment to God." Monument Ceremony in which every Warrior voluntarily made some kind of commitment to God = so awesome to see! WARRIOR CAMP Obstacle Course (aka "The Crucible"), Warrior Camp Dog Tags, Group Photo, Official Photo Slideshow, 2nd WARRIOR CAMP T-shirt, and Sunday morning service show-and-tell. Thanks a ton Grandview! We love you all, and will see you next Summer!


Camp #4


Nampa, Idaho

Bethel Church of the Nazarene Field

July 31, 2010

Attendance: 25 boys

Age: Grades 4-7

(Note: We were praying for 25 boys. Praise God!)

Back on the Stomping Grounds! First WARRIOR CAMP back in Idaho in almost 3 years. For some of our Warriors, they got to experience WARRIOR CAMP like their older brothers had done in 2007. Final discipleship rally in which 24 Warriors voluntarily made some kind of commitment to God! = awesome. It was great to bring WARRIOR CAMP back home where it all began! This also capped off our first "double-header" summer in which we had 2 WARRIOR CAMPS. You Idaho Warriors are awesome, and we're looking forward to seeing you again next Summer!


Camp #5


Nampa, Idaho

Bethel Church of the Nazarene Field

July 15, 2011

Attendance: 20 boys

Age: Grades 4-7

The camp that broke the 100 Warriors Barrier!  This marked the 3rd Warrior Camp in Nampa, and the first back-to-back Warrior Camp in Nampa. It was great having some of the Warriors from 2010 back and pumped up for Warrior Camp 2011. Idaho Warriors challenged Virginia Warriors in the Shout Out Challenge, and peaked out at 100.1 decibels to take a close 2nd place. First-time-ever-debuts included prize drawings, the Green Machines (i.e. low-profile huffy stunt trikes with 180 degree spin capability), a 10-foot-diameter beach ball, and the local Firemen coming out to soak us all @ 200 gallons per minute = so much fun!  Each Warrior also got to take a turn spraying the firehose.  It was also the Northwest debut for one of our newer, fun games (with a familiar name) called Cops and Robbers, and Nampa Warriors had the chance to play it for the first time within 2,000+ miles. They also played the jail-breaker game "Prisoner of War" for its Nampa debut. In the Discipleship Rallies, students were challenged and encouraged to dare to be bold like Daniel, the famous prayer warrior from Scripture who, no matter the pressure, wouldn't budge in or water down his stalwart faith in a big, worthy God.  We closed with a knighthood ceremony involving a William Wallace claymore, and in which students had the chance to voluntarily sign and obtain the Warrior's Creed - a bold, unflinching statement based on the early chapters of Judges, and the heroes therein. One kid, Dawson, from Spokane, really wanted to come to Warrior Camp, and won the all-time furthest distance traveled award. 2-3 other students specially requested their own copy of the Warrior's Creed which they signed, and at least one of these kids now has it framed at home. Praise God for a safe, unforgettable, fun, and spiritually impacting camp! Thanks to a great team of Warrior Camp Leaders: Chris, Mike, Jaden, Casey, Lynn, Rodney, Dave, and all who helped make it happen. Thanks to the moms and dads for letting your sons attend.  Looking forward to seeing them again next summer!


Also, we're really excited for the team of female leaders (Alyssa, Christine, Natalie and Sarah) who met that weekend to cast a vision for launching a special girl's camp in Summer of 2012. Thanks for all you do, and we're cheering you on!


Camp # ?


Dakar, Senegal.  Africa

Venue: Soccer Field

February 22, 2014

Attendance: Approximately 51 Boys and Youth

Age: Approximately Age 5-20+

MC Youth Pastor: Louie Pierre


Camp # ?


Baad Village, Senegal.  Africa.

Venue: Baad Village Church . Outdoor Area

February 24, 2014

Attendance: 25 boys

Age: Approximately 6-11


Camp # ?


Nampa, Idaho

Venue: Bethel Church of the Nazarene and Church Field

June 7, 2014

Attendance: 28 Boys + 4 Dads

Age: Grades 4-6


Camp # ?


Grandview, Washington

Venue: Grandview Church of the Nazarene and Church Field

June 20, 2014

Attendance: 26 Boys

Age: Grades 4-6


Camp # ?


Nampa, Idaho

Venue: Rogers Yard for Base Camp, Bethel Church, and the Jungle

August 22-24, 2014

Attendance: 10 Competitors + 4 Dads

Age: Grades 7-12  (Primarily Highschoool)


Camp # ?


Greenleaf, Idaho.

Venue: Greenleaf Friends Church and Football Field

October 11, 2014

Attendance: 13 boys and 3 Dads

Age: Grades 2-6


All of us are super excited for what God may have next, and humbled at the opportunity to be apart of it! To the Nampa Warriors: keep growing as a man after God's own heart. Don't stop. Don't compromise. He's worthy. Hope to see you next summer!

(Total WARRIOR CAMP Attendance to Date: 119)




From: Near God's giant Sawtooth Mountains in Stanley, Idaho


The pics are up! Praise God for a fun, epic Warrior Camp, bold commitments to God ... and no fatalities :) Props to all you awesome Idaho Warriors, and everyone who helped make it happen.  Don't forget the Warrior's Creed, and the commitment you made to God.  Hope you enjoy the pics!

More later and God bless,



Manual View:


Slideshow View:





Coming Home.  Taken from my window on 3-22-11 . DC9 .                 Detroit - Minneapolis @ 30,000 feet                 

Coming Home.  Taken from my window on 3-22-11 . DC9 .

                 Detroit - Minneapolis @ 30,000 feet                 

From: 28,000-30,000 feet

Hello Warrior Nation! Wow. It seems like each one of our interactions has something distinguishing or record-making about it. Today is no exception. I thought it'd be fun to talk to you from inside this big DC9 somewhere between Detroit and Minneapolis while cruising at about 30,000 feet, and knifing through the atmosphere at over 500 miles per hour. (Check that off the bucket-list!) Believe it or not, before departing for Detroit earlier today, eavesdropping passengers (including myself) witnessed some comic relief when the otherwise professional and extroverted stewardess asked a female passenger to return to her previous seat in order to help balance the weight of the plane! (I’m still not sure if she was joking, but am sure that any male attendant would’ve gotten slapped for that one).

Anyway, for those 2 people out there (1 being my mom) who may be interested in why I happen to be airborne at the moment, thanks for facilitating a creative segue! I’m actually in the process of personally moving for the first major time ever, and (believe it or not) locking down in one place for once.  You see, I’ve been bouncing back and forth between Idaho and Virginia like a traveling nomad for awhile, but this time it’s different.  Some of you may remember when Warrior Camp packed its bags and headed to Virginia for an East Coast debut last year, and how excited we were to go through the doors God was opening.  That was a year of God doing big things, and I encourage you to check out the related blog posts!  While I'll probably bounce back to Virginia once in awhile during vacation days, this year something new is on the horizon.  When it comes to youth ministry, things are about to become a bit more like a running a full-fledged Taco Bell vs. driving that mobile burrito truck on the street corner.  (Not that there's anything wrong with driving a burrito truck!).  Anyway, for much of the last 2 weeks, I've been in Virginia  hanging out with my bro and cousin over their Spring break, saying good-bye to friends,  practically jumping on top of my stuff to cram it into moving boxes, and getting on a first-name basis with the UPS employees.  (No joke...they ARE all about logistics!)  For the next week-ish, my stuff will be gradually showing up on my doorstep in Nampa, Idaho.  It's a farewell that is full of unforgettable memories, but it's good to be coming home.

Why the move?  Since our last update, God has opened up an exciting ministry door in my original stomping grounds of Nampa, Idaho. About 3 weeks ago (3-2-11), my pastor called and broke the news: following my interview (2-26-11), he and the board were inviting me to serve as the youth pastor of my home church. To say I’m excited would be about as understated as suggesting  that Agent Orange makes for questionable toothpaste, or that Kimbo Slice has forgotten what Walmart-aisle has the shaving cream.  It's the start of something new, and is still sinking in!  I want to be faithful, fully plugged in, and used by Him at this new post, and your prayers are greatly treasured.  In addition, the visionary wheels are spinning over what new ministry opportunities God might open up for Warrior Camp, as we prayerfully and diligently adjust our cross-hairs and focus in on the Northwest.  A new chapter begins!

At the risk of sounding like the Academy Awards, thanks so much to Dave, Angela, Diana, and to One Body in Christ Ministries (OBIC) for giving us the opportunity to debut Warrior Camp in the East Coast last year.  I really mean that.  None of this would have happened without you.  Big high-fives also to the awesome team at Brentwood Church for (being brave enough to give us "out-of-staters") the opportunity to partner with you in the first Father/Son Warrior Camp Event ever.  (Amee and Angie: you're a blessing and a riot to work with!).  Props to all the Dads for going the distance with their sons that day.  To all the boys in the Warrior Club, including Josh and Caleb: I love your Bible names and the Bible heroes who owned them before you.  Let them inspire your own walk with God and don't forget what He did in you yourselves last Fall.  Keep owning Scripture, maturing in strength and courage, and growing into the young man after God's own heart that He calls you to be.  Thanks also to the 3 moms who invited us to realize a fun idea of one-day running Warrior's Birthday Bash Parties for birthday boys.  Hope you boys enjoyed your party!    Thanks a ton to our willing and dedicated East Coast team: Jaden, Brent, Nate, Vargas, and Camp Nurse Ashley for all your sweat and enthusiasm.  It shows and is so motivating.  I refuse to believe that what God did in all of these kid's lives last year in Lynchburg, Virginia will be hampered or erased by this new transition to Idaho.  God is way too big for that.  May all the ministries at OBIC and Brentwood continue flourishing in His big and capable hands.

That’s all for now (before I get choked up) but definitely more later.  As always, thanks so much for your words of encouragement, donations, support, and prayer.

Looking forward to this new season God is unfolding, and I trust you’re experiencing God’s hand afresh too!

Stay connected, and God bless,


Isaiah 43:16-21




From: Spokane, Washington

Hello WARRIOR NATION!  I hope you're doing well and enjoying a great start to the new year.  

First, I wanted to let you know that this last weekend marked the Winter Retreat for the youth group at Cornerstone Church, in Spokane, Washington.  Chris Pope, my friend and our Warrior Camp discipleship speaker, is the youth pastor there, and gave me the chance to participate and run games for their Winter Retreat at Chewelah Peak this year.  (FYI:  for me, running games at a God-centered event is like diving into a canyon of berry covered cheesecake :)  There's some great stuff that could be said here, but the most important thing by far is that 6 students got saved!  God is doing big things in that youth group, and He gets all the praise!

On another note, it has been a little while since we last talked, but I have 2 goals for this very special 1st kick-off update for 2011.

1. Keep it short(er) and sweet

2. Give you a quick snapshot of what’s new from 2010

Ready? Here we go…



2010 marked the year in which Warrior Camp packed its bags and headed out for its East coast debut. We really welcome feedback from campers and their families, whether negative or positive. While we haven’t exactly done something like this before, what follows is a response from both an Idaho mom and a Virginia dad whose sons attended Warrior Camp in 2010. Both were kind enough to let us include their responses in this update. Feel free to check them out below.


From an Idaho Mom:  


From a Virginia Dad:

“Guys. Sammy and I went to Warrior Camp a week and a half ago. I'm still sore and Sam is still talking about it. Really, really good stuff! A day of field games, fireworks, blow-gun building, short historical and spiritual lessons, cooking over a fire, and wandering around in the woods with your son. Awesome! In addition, Jon Dupin, the pastor from Brentwood called out the dads (and a couple of granddads) and gave us a short, in your face kind of challenge about what dads are called to do and be...

There is a bunch here and I could go on and on but I want you to know that it changed me and created one super day filled with memories and lessons for Sam and me-one of those days that will never be forgotten. You know how they say your life flashes back in front of you just before you kick the bucket? Yeah, Warrior Camp will be one of those pictures for me.

Warrior Camp is a Christian based program put together by a guy from Idaho named Derek Bartlow. He is copied on this e. This was the first camp east of the Mississippi. Derek is living here in the burg with some friends from Brentwood for the next few weeks. I would very much like for a couple or all of you guys to get together with him and let him tell you more about it and possibly offer this to the folks at Blue Ridge. Also, they are having another one (sponsored by a different church) on the 13th at David Dudley's farm off of Leesville Road for 6-8th grades.

There are many, many great things about this program but I will mention just this one more: uninvolved dads! Unfortunately, it seems that no matter what we do as a church we can't reach some of these guys-they won't have an All In life for themselves. But their sons, now that is another story. They will run the wheels off a minivan making sure their kids get all the sports, education, and social life they can. Warrior Camp is a way to reach these guys or at least take another crack at them from a different angle.

Derek says he can meet with us on Thursday or Friday around lunch and if that doesn't work there is a possibility of meeting with him between services on Sunday. Please hit "reply all" and let us know.”


John Doe

Lynchburg, Virginia


That’s all for now.  Thanks to all the moms and dads who allow their sons to attend WARRIOR CAMP!  Thank you also so much for your support, prayers, and encouragement. 2010 was our biggest year yet for Warrior Camp, and God gets all the praise! We’re excited about the year ahead, and some new ministry opportunities that seem to be opening up. God does things big, and we want to faithfully be apart of that in this new year.

Stay connected, and I hope you’re off to a great start to 2011!

All for Him,


Isaiah 40:28-31




From: Lynchburg, Virginia



   1.  Blast from the Past

   2.  Enter the WARRIOR CAMP Speaker!

   3.  WARRIOR CAMP History 101

   4.  WARRIOR CAMP Fall Forecast

   5.  Thanks to Warrior Nation and Special WC Letter

   6.  Special WARRIOR CAMP Media Expo:

           (Pics, Video, and 1st WC Slideshow)



I hope you're having a great Fall!

Today is a special day for Warrior Camp, because exactly 3 years ago, with lots of prayer and hard work, we had the chance to see God take Warrior Camp from a cool vision to an undeniable and inspiring reality.  I remember it like it just happened. 



But, at the time, it seemed like it almost didn't happen, due to some issues with location and scope.  And then...a breakthrough from a youth pastor who was courageous enough to let his students be the first guinea pigs!  Next: 2 weeks to promote and get ready.  Pray hard and push the pedal down.  Pray, plan, and prepare 24/7.  Talk about a rat race, especially when you're really banking on a bunch of fun noodles and Walmart has conveniently decided that summer ended 3 weeks ago.  Pray about that too.  And then God provided an awesome Plan B.  Wow.  He's so good at that!  Next: gear up for a full day of stellar games, and do it as a jobless college-grad on a spinster-tight budget.  Ok.  Not sure how we did it, but we did.  Sometimes our less-than-ideal circumstances seem to attract God's provision, and in the end we had just what we needed.  Nothing quite like the class of "God Provides 101".  Next, a reminder from God: "Don't forget what this is all about.  Prayerfully compose some hard-hitting discipleship that these boys really need and crave as young men."  So we did.  Three discipleship rallies spread throughout the day.  "The Warriors of Judges."  "How To Be A Good King."  "What a Godly Girl Looks For."  Ok.  I think we're ready.  "God, please bless this all for your glory." 

And then the big debut!  17 boys, mostly in jr. high, rolled out of the church van to fully engaged in asweaty 10-hour marathon of testosterone-packed games and of being challenged by stories of epic Bible heroes, on a grass field in southwest Idaho in early fall.  (If you want to see some highlights from that same first Warrior Camp, feel free to check out the links at the bottom of this post).  At the end of the day, we piled up some large stones commemorating the boy's commitments to God and our promises to pray for each other.  Later that night, once the dust had settled, it was crystal clear: God had His fingerprints all over Warrior Camp.  Nothing could have gone better.  Young men had experienced an epic blast in an unapologetic Christian atmosphere.  This was boyhood fantasy as God intended.  Students had committed something to God and to pray for each other, including the shy kid who rarely ever opened up.  Later on we found out one kid got saved!  This was a God thing, and way bigger than us.  I dropped off all the Warriors in the church van and they began to find their parents and head home.  I stayed in the driver's seat of that church van, for I'm not sure how long, and basked in God's glory.  The camp vision God had given me was now alive and real.  There are no words for it.  No feeling in the world like that.  "God, you're amazing."



It's hard to believe, but that was 3 years ago today!  God has stretched and shaped me along the journey, and since then, our team has expanded and grown in exciting ways.  In this update, I'd like to do something new which we've never done.  Chris Pope is one of my strong and trusted Christian friends who, for a slew of reasons that could fill volumes, I have asked to be our Warrior Camp Discipleship Speaker both last summer and this summer.  That's not a role I fill lightly, but I'm 100% excited to have Chris on the team.  Since you put up with me in every update, now is a great time to introduce you to one of the other key players on our team.  He's agreed to jump in on this update and so, without further adieu, I'll turn it over to him.  Welcome aboard Chris!


From Chris Pope to Warrior Nation:

Greetings from the Northwest! So many things have been happening in the life of Warrior Camp over the last few years since I have had the privilege to be a part of it.

This last summer two churches brought Warrior Camp to their doors. We traveled to Grandview, Washington and Nampa, Idaho.  We were not prepared for the surprises that God had in store.

Many times I think that we can underestimate the faith of a child. No where in Scripture do you read that God wants His children to walk with a blind faith. He wants a child-like faith. He tells us in His word that He is the light of the world. He does not want us to stumble or trip, He wants to light our path.

I noticed the students this summer throwing the curtains open.  Revealing the dust in their lives.  Showing what needs to be cleaned. They boldly stood in front of their peers and announced what they wanted/needed freedom from. They dared their peers to hold them accountable.  They learned what it meant to demonstrate a life of honor, courage, and commitment to God. We talked about living a life of integrity by making honorable choices. Students looked at the life of Daniel and his three friends who demonstrated courage. They studied what made Joshua determine that this day he and his family would serve the Lord.

Our students learn from us.  If we want them to live a life of honor, courage, and commitment to God then they have to see it in us. We need to ask ourselves if we are setting them up for success or failure.  There is a reason Christ called the little children to Him and rebuked those who would hinder them.


Thanks Chris!  So true.  Thanks for bringing some awesome God-talks this summer.  Great to have you on the team.




Since this is a special 3 Year Anniversary Edition, I thought it might also be a fun time to push the rewind button a bit and track Warrior Camp from Day 1 through this Fall. Not that there's ever any confusion here, but God gets all the glory! So buckle up for the WARRIOR CAMP History 101:


Easter Weekend, 2005: God inspires the vision for Warrior Camp


Camp #1


Nampa, Idaho

Lake Lowell Park

September 8, 2007

Attendance: 17 boys

Age: Mostly Jr. High

The spark that started a fire = First WARRIOR CAMP ever.  God gets all the credit!  Thanks to Todd and all the Warriors for being brave guinea pigs!  10 hours in which the vision became alive.  The debut for what would define WARRIOR CAMP.  "Awesome Game Time.  Awesome God Time".  Almost no $ to work with, but God provides.  Raft Relays, Highland Games, Weapon Workshop, and Sword Battles.  Discipleship Rallies: "Mighty Men from Judges".  "How to Be a Good King".  "What a Godly girl wants".  Prayer/Share/Rock Ceremony.  (Guess which one was the favorite?)  Also: First WARRIOR CAMP DVD and WARRIOR CAMP Pics are borne.  Slowly but surely, the word begins to spread!  Big thanks to our original team and original warriors!  A fantastic day ending in amazing gratitude to and awe of God.  One Warrior gets saved as a result!


Camp #2


Grandview, Washington

Grandview Church of the Nazarene Field

July 10, 2009

Attendance: 24 boys

Age: grades 4-7

Sophomore Event!  Hitting the road and going out of state for our first non-home-church invite, and furthest distance ever travelled for WARRIOR CAMP.  The Warriors made the front page!  Also new: Games, Discipleship Rallies: "Dare to Be a Daniel", Knighthood Ceremony, Weapon Workshop: Blow Guns, new Discipleship Speaker dedicated exclusively to the Discipleship Rallies, Expanded Team, 1st WARRIOR CAMP T-shirts.


Camp #3


Grandview, Washington

Grandview Church of the Nazarene Field

July 17, 2010

Attendance: 33 boys

Age: grades 3-6

First 2nd invite.  Woohoo!  Biggest Warrior turnout ever.  Warriors made it into "The Daily Sun" and "The Grandview Herald" 3 combined times.  We're proud of you Washington Warriors!  Thanks so much for having us back.  Other 1sts: New Games and Discipleship Rallies: "Honor.  Courage.  Commitment to God."  Monument Ceremony in which every Warrior voluntarily made some kind of commitment to God = so awesome to see!  WARRIOR CAMP Obstacle Course (aka "The Crucible"), Warrior Camp Dog Tags, Group Photo, Official Photo Slideshow, 2nd WARRIOR CAMP T-shirt, and Sunday morning service show-and-tell.  Thanks a ton Grandview!  We love you all, and will see you next Summer!


Camp #4


Nampa, Idaho

Bethel Church of the Nazarene Field

July 31, 2010

Attendance: 25 boys

Age: Grades 4-7

(Note: We were praying for 25 boys.  Praise God!)

Back on the Stomping Grounds!  First WARRIOR CAMP back in Idaho in almost 3 years.  For some of our Warriors, they got to experience WARRIOR CAMP like their older brothers had done in 2007.  Final discipleship rally in which 24 Warriors voluntarily made some kind of commitment to God! = awesome.  It was great to bring WARRIOR CAMP back home where it all began!  This also capped off our first "double-header" summer in which we had 2 WARRIOR CAMPS.  You Idaho Warriors are awesome, and we're looking forward to seeing you again next Summer!

(Total WARRIOR CAMP Attendance to Date: 99)




Fall Season . Every Week . Warrior Club . Lynchburg, VA . OBIC Farm . September - November

September 18, 2010 . Warrior's Birthday Party Bash . Lynchburg, VA . OBIC Farm . 11:00am - 3:15pm

October 23, 2010 . Brentwood Church Father/Son Warrior Camp Event . Lynchburg, VA . OBIC Farm





I really hope you enjoyed this special 3 year Anniversary Update!  On this day, I want to give everyone of you in Warrior Nation a special huge and heartfelt thank you for all your support, prayer, and encouragement over these last 3 years.  I can't say that enough.  I'm not going to sugar coat it.  There have definitely been some speed bumps and challenges, but God is doing big things, and we're excited to be apart of what seems to be a growing momentum as we move ahead into this Fall season and Summer 2011.  All of you in Warrior Nation are an invaluable part of that.

As promised, I've included the links to pics and game highlights from our very first Warrior Camp below.  I hope you enjoy them!  I've also included a link to our New-This-Summer Warrior Camp Photo Slideshow...with music!  Brent (one of our die-hard media wizards) definitely gets a big high-five here for burning the midnight oil on Saturday night after Warrior Camp to get this ready for the Sunday morning service the very next day.  It's the first media production of its kind for Warrior Camp, and as of today, has been posted to YouTube.  I've included the link below.  Hope you enjoy it!  Great job Brent!  We're blessed to have you on the team.

Thanks again Warrior Nation!  You're the best.

Have a great Fall and God bless,


PS: If you want to check it out, there's a description of what the Warriors did this summer which we sent to the parents of WARRIOR CAMP: IDAHO.  You can check it out via our August blog post under "SPECIAL LETTER" or by clicking here.  If you have any questions you'd like us to tackle in our next update, feel free to let us know at  Maybe yours will be picked!




WARNING: This is a Special WARRIOR CAMP Media Expo: 3 Year Anniversary Edition!  (If you experience excessive laughter, an uncontainable amount of joy, side aches or facial tension from viewing this media, please feel free to take a break before resuming).



Highlight Pics

September 8, 2007

Courtesy of: Jaden, Warrior Camp Media Wizard

Slideshow View:

Manual View:



Game Highlights Video

September 8, 2007

Courtesy of: Jaden, Warrior Camp Media Wizard



1st Official WC Photo Slideshow

July 17, 2010

Grandview, Washington

Courtesy of: Brent, Warrior Camp Media Wizard





An email letter sent to the supporters and parents of WARRIOR CAMP: Nampa, Idaho . 7-31-10

Letter sent on: 8-14-10


Dear Parents and Supporters,

Hey! This is Derek from WARRIOR CAMP. I hope you're enjoying the rest of your summer!

If you're in a rush and just want to see the WARRIOR CAMP Pics, feel free to scroll down to the link below. If not, I wanted to send you a quick update about the WARRIOR CAMP which touched down on July 31 at the Bethel Field.

We're now exactly 2 weeks out from WARRIOR CAMP 2010: NAMPA EDITION, and I just wanted to let you know how grateful we are for your involvement, support, and encouragement. I can't say that enough. Whether you allowed your son to attend, wanted to but had a schedule conflict, or helped us spread the word, I wanted to extend a personal thank you for your support, prayer, efforts, and help at making WARRIOR CAMP 2010 a big hit for the boys. It was epic. God answered prayer in a big way and deserves all the praise.

If you're curious what the boys did at WARRIOR CAMP, here's a rapid snapshot:

Throughout the 11 hour marathon of fun and discipleship, the Warriors participated in a Team Tournament including a 5 minute race, Truck Pull, and Tug-O-War. (That's right, I said Truck Pull. 7,000+ lbs of F150 for 200 feet!). The Opening Ceremonies involved the Pledge of Allegiance, National Anthem, and the March of the Clans. (This is where team pride was big!) Next came a Weapon Workshop, where each Warrior got to build his own sword. He would use his sword in the battle games to follow, and take it home as a souvenir after his completion of WARRIOR CAMP. Next, "The Crucible" (our new 8-stage obstacle course) challenged Warriors with everything from an ice-blocking sprint called the "Siberian Rodeo" to a slime-filled slip n' slide, an uphill frog-walk with scuba gear, a 40+ yard weight pull, and a gauntlet of moving hurdles known as the "Fun Noodle Frenzy". To go out with a bang, we enjoyed slime fights on the slip n slide and "King of the Tube" in a 1500 gallon swimming pool. Other games involved our signature "Kingdom Under Fire" where each team built their own castle, exited, and then barraged their opponent's castle with high-performance waterballoon launchers. Again, to go out with a bang, we let each team run through and obliterate the opposing castle, making sure no walls were left standing! "Man vs. Food" allowed a volunteer Warrior from each team the chance to earn bonus points for his team by conquering his taste-buds. "Sword Wars" pitted Blue Warriors vs. Red Warriors, and later Warriors vs. Leaders, in the Final Battles.

But Warrior Camp isn't all just fun and games. Our spiritual objective is blunt and rare: to challenge each Warrior to grow into a young man who is a real man after God's own heart. Throughout the day, Warriors were challenged across 3 discipleship rallies in this year's theme of "Honor. Courage. Commitment to God." In the final rally, 24 out of 25 boys decided to step up, and make some kind of commitment to God. Some of these included honesty, not being a bully, sanctification, and being a Warrior for God. Each participating Warrior immortalized his same commitment on two separate bricks. One brick went home with the Warrior and the other remains at Bethel Church in a bold "Monument Stack", tangibly representing a milestone in their walk with an awesome God.

This was our first WARRIOR CAMP here in the Treasure Valley in nearly 3 years, and God moved in a big way. The Warriors had a blast, and God is at work in these boys, many of whom responded with bold strides during the rallies. (Note to Dads: I think it would be a great followup if you want to work through the rest of the WARRIOR CAMP Discipleship booklet with your son. If you'd like an extra booklet for you, please let me know).

Thanks again so much for all your encouragement. You'll never know... (It was also great to be back in the original stomping grounds here in Nampa, right where our very first WARRIOR CAMP took place in September of 2007!).


If you'd like to check out the pics from WARRIOR CAMP 2010, I've included a link right here below. Hope you enjoy all 500+ of them!


Slideshow Feature:
Once you click on the link above, then select the red "Slideshow" button near the upper right if you'd like to enable the automatic slideshow feature.


If you'd like to be kept in the loop about WARRIOR CAMP 2011, and/or you'd like to receive our special update to "WARRIOR NATION" which comes out via email 5-7 times per year, feel free to let me know.


If you did not receive some or all of the WARRIOR CAMP Stuff you ordered, feel free to let me know. I'll be glad to get it to you asap.


Thanks again. If you're a Warrior's mom or dad, we count it a privilege to have had your son attend WARRIOR CAMP, and are looking forward to next summer!

Grow strong and God bless,

Isaiah 40:28-11





From: Nampa, Idaho

Hello Warrior Nation!

I hope you’re having a great summer wherever you are. Unlike our last update (which probably set a Guinness Record for length) this one will definitely win gold for read-speed. We’re stoked about what God has been doing this summer, and will fully unpack everything in our next update.  But for now, believe it or not, I’m actually going to try and break the mold and keep this one short and sweet. (Yeah, I know you’re thinking “Prove it”). Ok. Here goes :)

We’ve never done something quite like this before, but since a picture is worth a thousand words, I’m about to just give you the pics below and let them do the talking. So, without further delay, I hope you enjoy the 2010 Warrior Camp Photo Marathon.

Have a great rest of your summer, and God bless,


PS: If you want to check it out, I’ve also posted our most recent video link below.


WARRIOR CAMP: Grandview, Washington

     July 17, 2010

     Photo Slideshow View:
     Manual View:


WARRIOR CAMP: Nampa, Idaho

     July 31, 2010

     Photo Slideshow View:

     Manual View:


Warrior Camp Video:
     Props to Dave, Diana, OBIC, and Peter (aka "Randolph") for all your help!





Warrior Camp Update

Hello Warrior Nation!

Hope you’re all having a great summer! For those of you who mysteriously continue to doubt my ability to compose marathon length Warrior Camp Updates, this one may come to hold the belt! (If you’re in a rush, feel free to glance over the “Table of Contents” below, and then fast-forward to the sections that interest you most).

Without further delay, let’s dive in…

Hang on. Let me check. Yeah. Pretty sure this will be my least favorite update, to put it nicely. I think I’d rather run a few miles…in wet jeans. It’s not because I don’t enjoy the interaction with you out there in Warrior Nation. I really do! Hearing back from you is a huge encouragement to us, and helps keep our motivational gas tank from running on fumes. No. Instead, it’s this unfortunate topic that keeps buzzing around like a pesky mosquito, or maybe like that yellow jacket that manages to light your fuse. I’ve definitely come a long way in being able to hit the tough issues head on like a sledge hammer. But somehow this one still makes me feel like curling up in the fetal position, or about as agile as a porpoise on a balance beam. It’s awkward and unsettling, kind of like eating bad Mexican from the local Burrito Trailer your mom warned you about. (Hey, you were starving, and it was cheap). Or maybe it’s a bit like telling Aunt Bertha she has a huge rip in her nylons. Or Uncle Fred that his toupee is off-center. How do you start that conversation?

I’m not sure how exactly to embark into these uncharted waters. But are we going there anyway? Absolutely! In the last video update, I invited Warrior Nation to participate and interact for the first time. Since then, one thing has been popping up like a clan of spring gophers. It’s a topic that is often forbidden, and as flammable as July 4th. It’s also about as easy to discuss as opening Pandora’s Box. It reeks with uncertainty, surprise, risk, and the excitement of the unknown. It’s a five letter word and is often taboo. Any guesses? Ready for it? We’re going to talk about…(drumroll please)… money.

There it is. I said it. (Now that we’ve courageously crossed that bridge, I’ll either refer to it as the dreaded “M” word, or maybe use the hopefully less infamous “$” symbol on my keyboard). Anyway, since the last update to Warrior Nation, the whole $ thing has managed to become a prevalent theme, and the examples are so abundant, that it didn’t take rocket surgery to see the wisdom and practical benefits of tackling this behemoth in the very near future. I owe this revelation to one of my closest friends, whose business savvy and street smarts could probably make him the next Stephen Covey. Another friend recently expressed how surprised and impressed he was at the philosophy of $ embraced by a church he was checking out for the first time. Right there on the bulletin were written the salaries of everyone on the church staff, visible for all to see. That got the wheels turning. Before that, a ministry partner whom I highly respect had a polite and candid talk about how $, faith, God, and ministry all intersect. I’m still trying to wrap my head around all that, but the interaction definitely put some insightful new stuff on my horizon. Even earlier, Warrior Camp received its first donation ever, and since then, interest in financially supporting Warrior Camp has been growing, all completely unsolicited. A few weeks ago it dawned on me. By the next update, it would be time to break out of the comfort zone and embark deep into uncharted territory. We would actually try to muster the audacity to talk about $.

So here we are. And without further adieu, we’ll jump in with both feet and let you look “under the hood” of Warrior Camp. Here’s our “Top 10 Forbidden Questions” we thought you might like to ask about Warrior Camp:



1. How much $ do you make to lead Warrior Camp? (This one will be short :)

2. Where does the $ come from to fund Warrior Camp?

3. How much work and $ does it take to put on a Warrior Camp?

4. Why is Warrior Camp so expensive to put on? Where does the $ go?

5. What are the biggest expenses for Warrior Camp?

6. How much does it cost for kids or teens to attend Warrior Camp?

7. Does Warrior Camp generate any profit? If so, where does it go?

8. What is the Warrior Camp philosophy on $?

9. Will Warrior Camp ever ask for donations? Why or why not? How can I help?

10. What has Warrior Camp purchased recently? What is Warrior Camp going to buy in the near future?




1. How much $ does Derek make to lead Warrior Camp?

Great question. Though it will likely change in the future as Warrior Camp grows and matures, I, like our original Warrior Camp Team, am 100% a volunteer when it comes to financial compensation. To put it bluntly, we don’t do this with any high hopes of striking gold or even knocking down ½ of minimum wage. Ever have a passion and a vision that God has branded so deep that it’s in your DNA? That’s bigger than you? That you just know needs to exist? Like the commercial says, for everything else, there’s Mastercard.


2. Where does the $ come from to fund Warrior Camp?

Wow. (Way to cut to the chase!) There are 3 sources. Let me explain. I have a separate job for which I’m forever grateful to God. It gives me the freedom to travel from East to West and to do Warrior Camp Ministry in a way that blows my mind when I think about God’s provision. It also gives me the capability to procure some or all of the game and discipleship equipment we need, out-of-pocket. This is the 1st source of $ for Warrior Camp, and is the one that helps tackle the upfront costs associated with procuring all the stuff we need in order to put on a Warrior Camp, before it officially begins.

Next is Warrior Camp Registration and Admission. This is the 2nd source of $ for Warrior Camp. Here, kids or students pay to come to Warrior Camp, kind of like we all did as teens when we went to Summer Camp, only less. The Camper Admission gets lumped into one “pot” and goes toward reimbursing the upfront costs mentioned earlier. This 2nd source of $ helps cover the costs directly associated with the given Warrior Camp, and may even provide a little extra for Warrior Camps the following year.

The 3rd and final source of $ is from those in Warrior Nation who are excited about the vision and who want to help sponsor Warrior Camp financially, as well as in prayer. Our first gift of this kind came just this last Spring 2010, and as promised, we’re using every penny to the max as we fully gear up for the Summer Camping Season. Thanks again to everyone in Warrior Nation for your support, encouragement and prayer! You’ll never know how much you’re appreciated.


3. How much work and $ does it take to put on a Warrior Camp?

Great question. No joke, fully preparing for Warrior Camp is like a marathon more than a sprint, and eats up a decent amount of “blood, sweat, and tears,” as the saying goes. There’s a long list of stuff to tackle, and we really love it if we can bat close to a thousand. What Man-Crafts are the Warriors going to build in the Weapon Workshop? What games are Warriors going to play? What’s the best way to build or procure all that corresponding game equipment? What’s on the schedule? What exactly will the discipleship rallies look like? How can we best train these kids or youth in being a man after God’s own heart? These are big questions, and this stuff doesn’t just happen. Also, though we strive to make Warrior Camp as easy as possible for the kids pastor or youth pastor at the host church, this person nevertheless deserves a high-five for their efforts as well. While certain preparations begin months in advance, the actual “marathon” of fully gearing up for Warrior Camp can take anywhere from 3-4 weeks, and consume well over 100 combined hours from our team.

Financially, the cost of materials, gear, and equipment alone hovers around 50% of the total amount of Warrior Camp Admission. I’ve included the complete list below:

GAME EQUIPMENT: approximately $550-$650 (or more) goes toward buying or building game equipment for Warrior Camp. Some of this goes toward construction materials for the signature Weapon Workshop, where each Warrior gets to customize or build his own take-home weapon. (No worries Moms: your Warrior won’t end up in the hospital, we promise!). Approximately 80% or more of this game equipment cost is associated with gear which can be used at multiple Warrior Camps.

WARRIOR CAMP T-SHIRTS: approximately $300 goes to designing/ordering Warrior Camp T-shirts, which Warrior Campers can buy at or after Warrior Camp. Any remaining shirts can be sold at a subsequent Warrior Camp. Warrior Camp Dog-Tags ($100) and Warrior Camp Group Photos are other souvenirs which may be made available.

FUEL AND TRAVEL: approximately $100-$150+ goes to keeping the team’s gas tanks full, especially if we travel very far to meet the hosting church on their turf. Approximately $75 goes to renting a truck. Churches which are significantly closer are far less expensive in this category.

GRATITUDE AND THANKS: We’re genuinely grateful for the volunteering spirit and excitement from each member of our team to be a part of the Warrior Camp Leadership. They give 100% all day long, love the kids, and enjoy thinking about $ just as much as I do. Since our very first Warrior Camp, either most or all of our team have fully intended on volunteering 100% of their time at Warrior Camp. But even though there is little or no expectation, Warrior Camp aims to take care of its team. It’s definitely not a salary, but I’m thrilled to express our gratitude for each member in a tangible way.

MISCELLANEOUS: In addition to these major categories, there may be small but highly important expenses associated with each of the Warrior Camp Discipleship Rallies. We might give each Warrior his own brick, encouraging him to mark it with the creed that God is calling him to live by. This year, we’ll be handing each kid his own Warrior Camp Discipleship Booklet, which he can use to “immortalize” his God time at Warrior Camp, and also for follow-up with his Sunday school teacher, who got to experience Warrior Camp with him. Fireworks kick off the Opening Ceremonies with some loud and proud shock and awe. Fun, high-energy songs (purchased through itunes) help create a fun, outdoor atmosphere during the field games. Then there’s the candy launch, where we send pounds and pounds of candy (the good stuff, not crusty tootsie-rolls from last year’s Halloween party!) into the lower atmosphere with long range spud guns, letting it rain down upon grinning, scrambling, kids. Also, a special Grand Prize is awarded by each Team Leader to one distinguished Warrior who demonstrates leadership, Godly character, Biblical manhood, and other honorable virtues. After the final game at Warrior Camp, the 1st and 2nd place teams are then announced, and each Warrior is given a corresponding prize. Much of this stuff helps put an extra “cherry on top” of the kid’s experience at Warrior Camp, and together may total between $50-$150.


4. Why is Warrior Camp so expensive to put on? Where does the $ go?

Great question. If we bring Warrior Camp to several different kids’ ministries or youth groups each year, our cost per camp takes a big and encouraging dive. The result is that each consecutive Warrior Camp actually gets less expensive, on average, to put on. On the other extreme, if we do 1 or 2 camps per year, our average cost per camp climbs. In the last case, one main reason for big recurring annual expenses is this: because camper boredom-through-redundancy is enemy #1. We’ve tried really hard to identify the biggest challenges which camp ministries face, and one of them is this: maintaining the elements of excitement and surprise for the campers from year to year. If the camp program gets too familiar, then campers tend to get bored and may not want to come back. Also, we have a bit of an inside joke that we refuse to play “Duck-Duck-Goose” at Warrior Camp. (Does anyone genuinely pine for this game?) Instead, we prefer designing, customizing, and/or offering games that reach epic, unforgettable proportions, and which unapologetically play upon the chord of boyhood fantasy. Sure, our signature “Kingdom Under Fire” game may require 3 garden hoses, 1 two-way splitter, 2 four-way splitters, 8 water balloon nozzles, 60+ big boxes, eight 200-300 yard water-balloon launchers, and over 1000 water balloons, but what other game makes you feel like you’re in a battle scene from Lord of the Rings? Hop-skotch? Four-square? Ring around the Rosie? Yeah, I think we’ll pass. So, here are our game goals: (1 ) no camper will ever be able to predict what he’s gonna do Warrior Camp, and (2) every camper will have so much epic fun that his future grandkids will hear about it. So, to answer your question…

     1. Go Big or Go Home Philosophy

            a. No Duck-Duck-Goose = Awesome games and game equipment instead

            b. Equipment for epic games = More $, but totally worth it!

     2. Unpredictability: Keeping the Warrior Campers guessing

            a. Element of surprise every year = New camp program every year

            b. New camp program every year = New games, discipleship rallies, and activities

            c. New games, discipleship rallies, and activities = New equipment

            d. New equipment … well, you get the picture


5. What are the biggest expenses for Warrior Camp?

Great question. Here they are in order of largest to smallest:

     1. Game Equipment (for new and/or epic-level games)

     2. Warrior Camp Warehouse Inventory: T-shirts and other souvenirs

     3. Mobility, Transportation, and Fuel

     4. Gratitude and Thanks to Warrior Camp Team

     5. Miscellaneous: discipleship materials, props, fireworks, candy, prizes, etc…


6. How much does it cost for kids or teens to attend Warrior Camp?

Ever find something cool you want at the store, but can't find the price-tag? Yeah, we hate that as much as you do. So, here goes. Warrior Camp costs somewhere between $30-$60 per Warrior. Why the big range? Because some Warrior Camps might be really close to our city, and so we can drive there faster and use less gas. Also, if we have more Warriors who want to come (up to about 40) that helps out a lot too. Other Warrior Camps might be farther away, and the youth pastor or kids pastor might want us to bring the very best of the best games. (Somebody has to buy or build all that game equipment!). But here's the kicker: we know kids or students probably don't have the best jobs yet, so we've made it our goal to keep Warrior Camp as affordable as possible so everyone can go. For youth pastors and kids pastors, we have some cool ideas on how to help keep Warrior Camp as affordable as possible, and encourage them to feel free to send us an email. Oh, and don't forget, many summer camps cost $200 or more for about four and a half full days of camp. I'm not a math whiz, but that's about $44.50 per day, which is comparable to what the $ could be for kids or students to attend Warrior Camp. (And we're not bragging, but we honestly think campers will have tons of fun and a spiritually monumental experience at Warrior Camp).


7. Does Warrior Camp generate any profit? If so, where does it go?

Using last year’s model, Warrior Camp covered all of its expenses with approximately 70-80% of the total amount of incoming $ from Warrior Camper Admission. This resulted in 20-30% being left over. This extra $ was then re-invested in the following way, from greatest to smallest:

     1. New or additional game equipment for Warrior Camp(s) the following year

     2. Promo, materials, and mailings

     3. Miscellaneous


8. What is the Warrior Camp Philosophy on $?

Uh oh. Here we go! For starters, we can at least agree that: (1) this is controversial territory, and (2) you can definitely disagree with me and still be a strong Christian with a lot to offer. In fact, I owe a lot of credit here to a friend whom I admire, and who has helped me sharpen my own take on $. So, let’s jump in!

I believe that $ is just one tool in the tool shed. If you have nails to pound, you grab a hammer. If you have bolts to tighten, you reach for a wrench. If you have stuff to buy, you use $. There's no need to worship the tool, worry about the tool, or hesitate to use the tool wisely, effectively, and responsibly. And there's a ton of stuff that is beyond the Christian's God-given reach. Sometimes $ is one of those things, and God does take us to the "school of trust" cause we really need it! Other times, God provides through ways that are so simple and practical that they almost seem "less magical" and less Godly (I'm still curious why that is!), even though God isn't limited to either the mysterious or to the practical. I've seen God provide in huge ways for Warrior Camp. The ways are numerous. His original calling and inspiration. Prayer. Hard work. Seemingly random yet epic game or discipleship ideas which God periodically injects into my head. The spiritual fruit in kid’s lives which we’ve been blessed to hear about afterwards. Having a good job with geographical mobility, and even our first donation ever...God has provided and used all of this stuff for His glory in Warrior Camp in ways that blow me away. Some are mysterious and just seem to happen by His miraculous hand. His call. His anointing. His provision. An unsolicited donation. Others are what we humble mortals might call "practical" and happen through the job, creativity, diligence, advice from family and friends, and the work ethic which He's provided us with and for which we're grateful and seek to labor faithfully. In my humble opinion, I really think both (the mysterious and the practical) are probably equally Godly, and neither one fails to bring Him glory. It all directs the attention upward to Him. It's all for Him, by Him, and to Him.


9. Will Warrior Camp ever ask for $? Why or why not? How can I help Warrior Camp?

Wow. Time to show the cards! Here goes. As I stated earlier, I'm not a big fan of talking about $. I’m even less of a fan when it comes to asking for it. Maybe it’s because asking for $ seems so popular. (If everybody ordered a Coke at Sonic, I’d probably order Pepsi just to do something different)! Don’t get me wrong. I would never disparage a church for passing the plate. That’s a great way to help fund vital ministries and I’m glad to wholeheartedly participate.

Regarding Warrior Camp, I would never suggest our approach to $ is morally superior. It’s not. But it may be unique. Our perspective is this: most of you in Warrior Nation have developed a pretty firm grasp of what Warrior Camp is all about. You know enough about us, our goals, our methods, and ministry-DNA to decide if Warrior Camp is a ministry you’d like to link arms with in prayer or sponsorship. If Warrior Camp gets you fired up about imparting God’s vision for manhood to a young generation in a high-octane way, and God moves you, maybe you’ll choose to help sponsor Warrior Camp. If so, let me say personally how grateful we are to have you among those who pray and provide for Warrior Camp. Your prayer and support are a huge encouragement to us which you’ll probably never fully know. But it’s also possible that maybe you won’t choose to support Warrior Camp in this way. Guess what? That’s ok. The sky is not going to fall. Maybe you won’t make a donation at all, but you will pray for us, and for the kids or students whom we have a privilege to minister to. Or maybe you’ll be a “Fire-Starter” and, if there’s a need, you’ll enthusiastically introduce the possibility of Warrior Camp to your youth pastor or kids pastor at your church. Your encouragement and support here are also super encouraging to us and not taken for granted. Are we grateful for your support, in whatever form you may choose? Absolutely. Do we ever intend to solicit your $? Not unless God does an extreme makeover on us. Until then, it’s just not how we play!


10. What new, big stuff has Warrior Camp bought recently? What is Warrior Camp planning on purchasing in the near future?

Glad you asked! Here’s the latest.

Recent Purchases:

     Miscellaneous Game Equipment

     Long Range Megaphone

     High Performance Water balloon Launchers (200-300 yard range)

     Obstacle Course Equipment (for the newly created game “The Crucible”)

     1600+ Gallon Swimming Pool (Above-ground and portable)

     Future Purchases/Prospective Purchases/Upcoming Purchases

     New Warrior Camp T-shirts

     Equipment Trailer

     Snow Cone Machine

     Outdoor sound equipment/speakers

     Additional Game Equipment


That’s all for now. (If you read that whole thing, you deserve a medal!).

Thanks again so much for all your prayer, affirmation, and support. You’re a huge encouragement.

Grow strong and God bless,


PS: Huge praise = we’re taking Warrior Camp on the road to Grandview, Washington in about 3 weeks! We’ll keep you posted!




Hello all friends and fans of Warrior Camp!

I hope you're having a great Spring.

The newest Warrior Camp Update has just been posted online. I've included the links below, and hope you enjoy it!

Grow strong and God bless,



Warrior Camp Update . Part 1 >
Content: What's new with Warrior Camp now?


Warrior Camp Update . Part 2 >
Content: Info for Youth Pastors and Kids Pastors





Warrior Camp Update

     I wasn’t planning on doing this today. In fact, some days I deliberately avoid it, because I know my tendency to turn Warrior Camp Updates into a marathon email or blog that you avoid reading (cause it’s novel-length) and which ends up being so thorough it burns up my time like a candle marinated in gasoline. (Looks like this could be no exception!). Ever get that feeling that you really want to do something, but you procrastinate and even wince, cause you know what it will require to pull it off well? Yeah, that’s me.

     Or maybe I should say, that’s me…normally. Today though seems different, like now the timing of the “Warrior Camp Update” wasn’t something I jotted on the calendar, where I give everyone a heads up on what God has been doing in the ministry. This time God’s been whispering, preparing me for this moment, and gently prodding in a new direction. Something more personal. “Do it now.”

     I could create another video update, where I get to share how Warrior Camp is now poised to debut in Central Virginia this Spring, on one stellar 162 acre location, complete with the best of all worlds: field, slopes, forest, and pond. That alone is a great story, massive praise, and a huge answer to prayer, and one that leaves me speechless, humbled and unfathomably grateful. It would also be a great kickoff as the first Warrior Camp Update for 2010. (I’m practically still pinching myself, wondering when I’m gonna wake up!). On Thursday, I even got to go sledding at my recently discovered and properly named “Kamikaze Slopes,” where it takes every ounce of will power to override your survival instincts. Then and there, one run was officially coronated as “Speed Demon” and the other “Orbital”. (I’m sure you can guess why). One allowed me to single-handedly be the first man on a tube to break the sound-barrier, and the other enabled me to catch a glimpse of Mercury before finally cratering back on Earth. Somehow, the fact that I even write this blog from the farmhouse (rather than ICU) is a miracle in itself. (For those of you who pray for me, don’t stop!).

     But honestly, the update I had in mind and really wanted to share, involved all the exciting Warrior Camp ministry opportunities that await here at “The Farm” this Spring. I have a blizzard of stuff circulating around in my head right now to share, and realistically, I probably would have fired up the Webcam before the end of the month to relay all the good news and answered prayers. (And maybe we will go there in the near future). But now, God has something different in His mind.

     At the risk of being anti-climactic, it all began yesterday as I was cleaning my room (not my favorite thing to do, ever since I was a kid). I was listening to a song on my computer, cause I still hadn’t retrieved my stereo out of the attic/labyrinth at the Finn House. The Finn House or, “Finn Legendary” as I call it, is my old house, whose land-lord was so busting-proud of being from Finland that he built a sauna in our basement, and many of whose 7 roommates share a common thirst for the epic. Life at the Finn Legendary could inspire movie directors. Blow-Gun wars, food fights, strategizing together against “Gordo,” the grotesquely obese and garden-pillaging gopher, huge and popular Saturday breakfasts dominated by plates of pancakes and followed-up with reading from God’s Word, miniature castle-siege games on the floor, pranks on the sister house, comic retaliation from the sister house, romances with the sister house, snow-battles, snow-ins, house church, movie nights, Wii tournaments, crazy group dances to the adrenalized pulse of a strobe light, guns, sledding and zip-line adventures, camp-outs, bonfires, invincible bonds of friendship, lessons in survival, combat, and girls, spiritual growth and discipleship, and the authentic, immortalizing brotherhood in the sauna at 1:00 a.m. I’ll always consider myself a proud member of our epic Christian bachelor pad, no matter where I lay my head. It’s a chapter in my life story which I’ll cherish forever.

     That was before we took Warrior Camp on the road to Washington this past summer in July 2009. Now, for the first time, upon my arrival back in Virginia, I actually had the chance to fulfill my boyhood fantasy and live in a farm house…on a real farm! (The only rain on my parade occurred during the move, when I saw I would have to rescue my desk and book-shelf, which, along with the yard-sale appearance of the backyard, were at the mercy of the rain and the notoriously invincible red Virginia mud).

     Now, a little over three weeks later, I found myself almost completely moved in, and reflectively organizing my new room while listening to my favorite band play through my nasal laptop speakers. The last few weeks had been a roller-coaster of peaks and valleys, a swirl of emotion. Leaving Idaho, and 2,500 miles later, finding yourself in Virginia. It feels like you’re being transplanted like some uprooted tree, hastily dug out of your native soil in the middle of the night and already Fed-Exed before sunrise. A reluctant good-bye to family made more difficult by endearing time, and at the same time, a joyous reunion with close friends after a long separation. Who would have thought it would be this way? And then, sometimes in life or ministry, you’re surprised to find that things you thought you may only dream about, have now been afforded you. Then a wise saying comes to mind: “To whom much is given, much is expected.” It reminds me of Jesus’ parable of the talents, and His encouraging endorsement to the worthy servants, namely that “You have been faithful with a few things. I will put you in charge of many things” (Matthew 25:23). Then, amidst God’s blessing, with integrity, diligence, gratitude, prayer, and laughter, you want to show yourself faithful, and flourish before the Lord amidst the undeserved favor of Heaven. I think that’s how it should be, how God intends it.

     I’m at a point in my life now where grad school is in my rear view mirror. After studying across an 11-month window, I completed my final language placement exam for German last May. I passed (again, thanks for your prayers!) and received my Master’s Degree and Diploma soon after. I joke with friends about how 2010 will my first year since kindergarten where I haven’t had more academics hanging over my head like a thunder-cloud! And while I wouldn’t want to change a thing about my education (besides adding more recess) I’m certainly enjoying my new found freedom! And yet one thing that is beginning to strike me as a profound mystery is this: as one chapter in your life story concludes, another begins, sometimes with surprising speed. Sure grad school is done, but now should I quit being an East-West pin-ball and start thinking about where to put down more permanent roots? Sure, I don’t have papers to write or finals to study for, so how can I use that extra time to the max for spiritual growth and for Warrior Camp? Then, for movie night at the sister house Thursday, we watched Braveheart. If that doesn’t hit you in the chest like a sledge-hammer and confront you with the reality of what you’re doing with your life, nothing will. And, with Valentines (aka “Single Awareness Day”) approaching, it’s either time to contentedly lock in as a bachelor, or to entertain the feminine mystique. Question of the year: God, where am I going from here?

The song lyrics strike a chord, giving artistic life to the soul-searching saga that stirs,

    The surf and the sky and the Sunshine Coast of gold
     Floating on a long board, life on hold
     I never know the way, but you always take me there
     And I need it now, like the Mooloolaba air
     We’ll roll with the next wave, boys
     We’ll sing out, we’ll make some noise

     God is alive and my magic is no good
     And He’s called me out on this walkabout
     He leads me to water and traces each song line
     And I know to know His ways are higher than mine
     So roll out the road rig, boys
     We’ll sing with a grateful voice

     Let all tears turn to gold
     And the hell that’s raised
     Lord, let it fade away
     As Your glories unfold
     Give us a part to play
     Grant us another day

     Let all tears turn to gold
     And all the hell I’ve raised
     Lord, let it fade away
     As Your glories unfold
     Give me a part to play
     Grant me another day*

     These are exciting times in which we live. When college and grad school are over, and you’ve taken your last exam, that’s when I’m realizing my newest (maybe greatest) adventure is just beginning. Big decisions. Big stakes. Freedom. Uncertainty. The thrill of the unknown. Lots of prayer. Nothing to hold you down. Time to do what you’ve always wanted, and squeal the tires on the way there! I think that’s alot like what Abraham, Moses, David and the apostle Paul felt, when God rocked their world with a huge green light to join an epic adventure with Him. I definitely don’t have all the answers. In fact, the more I think about it, I’m pretty sure I wouldn’t want them, even if God offered them to me on a silver platter. Would you? Where’s the excitement, faith, or adventure with God in such a life? Our favorite heroes from the Bible didn’t live like that. They lived their lives by faith, listening for God’s voice, and trusting Him. They seemed to live in the present, with hope for the future, because of what they had seen God actively do in the past on their behalf. Someone once said, “The Christian life is probably both less glamorous and more epic than you’ve been taught. But who would want it any other way?”

     Looking back, it’s exciting to see the big picture of where God has walked with me, and probably where God has walked with you too. Where He’s brought you from. The valleys and peaks, the defeats and the triumphs. Men are forged in such ways. Wallace’s tragic loss of Murron and Scotland’s victorious stand at Stirling seem to be somehow connected. Luther’s daring posting of the 95 theses, and the reformation that rekindled Christ’s church. Israel’s 400 year bondage in slavery, and how their deliverance concretized their hope for the Promised Land.  A man's finest hour often occurs on the heels of his most grueling crucible. 

     I don’t know exactly what’s next, and in some ways, I feel like I can relate to just “floating on a long board”, with life on hold. But more than almost anything, I desire to play my part in God’s unfolding epic. And God’s been telling me to look at the kind of man I wanted to be when I was a young boy. I praise God that I am that man. That’s a win on God’s score-board, and it should be on mine. “Look at what you wanted to do when you were younger?” I thank God that I’m doing what I was made for. “Look at the things you’ve prayed for.” I give Him glory for His abundant and unmerited provision, that He’s a big God! “Look at the joy that is rightly yours.” I can praise Him more and more for His gifts of love and laughter.

     “Where am I going from here?” Perhaps sometimes, there’s a better question we’ll want to ask. “Where am I this second?” And rather than always scanning the horizon with our future-obsessed binoculars, hopefully we can lay those down once in a while and also look at the road behind us with a smile, and say, “I’m where He wants me to be.”

*”RSL 1984” by The Newsboys


1 Comment


Hello to all friends and fans of Warrior Camp!

I hope you're doing well, and having a great Fall.

I wanted to let you know, as of today, our latest Warrior Camp Update has been posted to YouTube and Facebook. It includes the latest on our:

Warrior Camp DVD
Warrior Camp T-shirt
Newspaper Coverage
Warrior Camper Feedback
And more...

If you'd like to catch it, I've included the links below:


Warrior Camp Update . 11-19-09


Part 1 >


Part 2 >


Thanks again for all your support and encouragement. 

I hope you have a great Thanksgiving and Christmas!

Grow Strong and God bless,


1 Comment



Hello all Warrior Camp fans!

Hope you're all doing well and having a great late summer and early fall.

I've got some good news. This is a probably one of our most significant and exciting updates, and I hope you enjoy the recap of what's new with Warrior Camp this summer! You can check it out via the video links below, or soon via facebook through our "Warrior Camp" fanpage.

Grow Strong and God bless,



Special Warrior Camp Anniversary Update . 9-8-09


Part 1 >


Part 2 >


Part 3 >


Part 4 >


Part 5 >




Letter to Lawhead.III


September 2, 2009


Dear Stephen Lawhead,

Hello.  This is Derek Bartlow.  I hope you’re doing well and that your pen is continuing to flourish.

I have written you previously regarding our Warrior Camp for young men, which was inspired by The Paradise War.  In your latest letter, you inquired if we are continuing to do additional Warrior Camps.  I’m encouraged to let you know that as recently as July 10, we held the first Warrior Camp of 2009.  It took place in Grandview, Washington, approximately 4.5 hours northwest of my hometown of Nampa, Idaho.  Twenty-four young men, primarily in grades 4-6, attended for a day packed with weapons customization and training, team games, individual challenges, and discipleship in Christ.

I have included a video from the Grandview Warrior Camp for your viewing pleasure, as well as coverage from the local paper, and our official Warrior Camp t-shirt.  I hope you find them enjoyable.

If you would like to stay abreast with our Warrior Camp updates, feel free to let me know.  I send out a Warrior Camp Update to friends and family via email approximately every two months.  If you are interested, I would be glad to send you our upcoming 2-year anniversary update, as well as keep your email confidential.

Thank you again for your inspiring work in fantasy.  I am in awe to see it making eternal ripples through Warrior Camp for God’s kingdom.

May God continue to bless you and your pen,


 Derek Bartlow


Ps: Should you wish to write back, I would love to hear from you.  My address is below:


Derek Bartlow

406 South Middlecreek Drive

Nampa, Idaho 83686





Warrior Camp Update

Hello all Warrior Camp fans! Hope you're having a great summer.

It’s been awhile, but the new Warrior Camp Update is here, and explores what’s coming up this summer. But instead of a 4 page email, we’re debuting this update through video for the first time. You can check it out via the links below, or on our new facebook fan page called "Warrior Camp".

Hope you enjoy the new format!

Grow Strong and God bless,



Warrior Camp Update . 6-15-09 . Video Edition

Part 1


Part 2


Part 3





Warrior Camp Update

Warrior Camp Team,

Hey! I hope this Warrior Camp Update finds you well. If you're receiving this update, it's either because you're on our Warrior Camp Team, you've given me advice, or because you're one of my friends or family who I thought would like to hear what's new with our camping ministry.


Here's a quick snapshot of what's in this February update:

1. Discipleship Development
2. On the Air
3. Battle Plans
4. Online Presence
5. Weapon Workshop
6. This Summer
7. New Graphic Design
8. Interviews and Feedback
9. New Game Highlights Video
10. Perspectives from Middle Earth


1. Discipleship Development

Late in 2008, I acquired a PLACE assessment test specifically designed around helping identify natural strengths and spiritual gifts for mature Christ followers obedient in ministry. It was recently used by a leading Christian seminary to help their grad students identify those areas in which they are gifted for ministry within the larger body of Christ. I'm definitely not complaining, but I wish I had something like this when I was in youth group! Statistically, students in youth group who are never integrated into some role or ministry as genuine contributors, have a higher rate of church drop out during their college years. So what's the plan with the PLACE assessment test? To go through and tailor it for students in Jr. High and Highschool, and use it in our discipleship initiatives. If we can help hungry students identify where God has gifted them, they can better serve and take ownership as that part of the body of Christ.

2. On the Air

In the last update, I mentioned how we're working on getting Warrior Camp on the air. The ball is moving forward, and the radio announcement script has finally reached what seems to be the final draft. It's designed to quickly inform area youth pastors in Central Virginia about Warrior Camp, and put them in touch with us as we seek to come alongside of them in ministry to their youth. Thanks to one of my friends for the initial idea of getting Warrior Camp on the air. More to come!

3. Battle Plans

January 10th of 2009 marked my birthday, and one of my good friends actually gave me a "Warrior Camp Battle Plans" book. The cover is adorned with pictures of 7 different warriors. The inside features the Warrior's Creed, Selected Bible Verses, our Vision Statement, scheduling sheets, game specs templates, and insightful information from her own field of expertise. It will definitely be a helpful tool to have on the belt. Thanks so much!

4. Online Presence

In addition to Warrior Camp having it's own webpage and facebook group, we've recently expanded the online presence of our ministry to include Myspace. This will allow campers to keep in touch with each other and the Warrior Camp Leaders, as well as bringing a cool profile loaded with theme-relevant songs to a popular social network. Feel free to check it out, and become a friend.

5. Weapon Workshop

During the Christmas blitz, the Weapon Workshop was running at full speed, cranking out high performance (non-lethal) blow guns for kids to adults ranging from South Carolina to Oregon. On Christmas day, so many people were opening our blow guns, that I honestly felt like a Christmas elf. The feedback was stellar and encouraging, especially as many living rooms across the country were instantly and magically transformed into theaters of dart-tag war. Thanks to all who gave me the chance to bring an extra smile to your Christmas! If you want to check out some of the Christmas blow gun pics, feel free to look up blow gun photo albums 3-6 at:
Since then, the patenting process for our signature blow guns has moved forward. Within the last 3 weeks, my invention partner and I have reviewed the product portfolio, made some written improvements, finalized the paperwork, and uploaded new photos. The people from the marketing and patenting company have been great to work with, and having hit the ball into their court, the process now approaches the marketing stage. This is a huge praise, and could develop into a great opportunity for Warrior Camp. Your prayers are effective.

6. This Summer

In the last Warrior Camp Update, we shared about the possibility of taking Warrior Camp on the road to Washington state this Summer. The good news is the possibility seems to be ripening. I've talked to the children's pastor, and she thinks Warrior Camp would be highly impacting for her children's program as well as the students in the youth group. She has even volunteered to spread the word to other area youth pastors, as well as give our game highlights dvd to the principal of a local Christian school. This is a big praise, and definitely something to continue praying about.

7. New Graphic Design

I definitely didn't see this one coming, but sometimes good things are like that. In early January, a student in my home church youth group randomly let me know they had a dream about ... a Warrior Camp t-shirt! This student is very artistically talented, and expressed their desire to use their talents for something Godly. So, the student went to work, and created a graphic design for our camp ministry. It's epic, and I was pretty much speechless when I saw it. So I got their permission to post it on our main web page, and you can check it out there now at: Thanks so much to my artistic friend!

8. Interviews and Feedback

While I was home for Christmas break, I got to go out to lunch with the youth pastor of my home church, who was actually the first youth pastor to give Warrior Camp the green light in the Fall of 2007. I look up to this guy alot, and God has definitely used him to grow the youth group of my home church, and in which my own younger brother has genuinely flourished. We were sitting down at a local bookstore and coffeeshop, and for over an hour, laughed while bouncing around from topic to topic. But one area in particular really stood out. My question to him involved where youth are at today, and how ministry should be strategic. Here was a youth pastor on the front lines, and I wanted to know his answer. To be honest, I found it a little surprising. There were two areas which he identified as the greatest need among youth. The first was purity, and it's enemies are numerous. MTV. Girls. Magazines. Internet. Movies. Across the nation and sadly even throughout the church, pornography can haunt men young and old like a persistent phantom. The stats on this demand a sober response from the body of Christ, especially in the area of men leading, fellowshipping, and practicing integrity. But the second area he mentioned, namely, "a near-complete absence of any quality role models" caught me a bit off guard. I've heard the stats on the popularity of broken homes, but math doesn't pack much of a potent punch. He went on to explain how young men without dads or other good role models is an accelerating phenomenon, and the solid family with strong male leadership and initiation into manhood is already an endangered specie. Families which are blessed with the latter are the exception, not the rule. Our hope and prayer is that Warrior Camp might be used by God to target these needs among young men. To challenge them away from filth, compromise and mediocrity, and to provide living, transformed examples who demonstrate the pure and masculine walk with God. And to show them they can do it also.


9. New Game Highlights Video

For the first time in world history, Warrior Camp now has a game highlights video! Thanks to my brother Jaden for the birthday gift! It captures scenes from nearly every game and competition throughout the day, throughout which there were also 3 discipleship rallies. Copies have already been mailed out to friends, a children's pastor, as well as author Stephen Lawhead, whom God used to birth the original vision for Warrior Camp. If you think your youth pastor might be interested in checking it out and/or want a hardcopy, feel free to let me know. If you want to check it out, you can find it on Youtube and Facebook. The youtube link is: Hope you enjoy it. Warrior Camp II is in the works.


10. Perspectives from Middle Earth

While I was home for Christmas, I had the chance to revisit the site of our first ever Warrior Camp. My little sister and I threw rocks out onto the frozen lake, laughing as the "singing stones" glided musically across the thin ice. We also saw the game field which hosted many a battle, and took a picture of the God tree under which we had group devotions with 17 students. It was a moving and priceless experience.

During break, I also had the chance to watch The Lord of the Rings with my family. All 3 movies. The extended versions! So it's safe to say we bonded with Frodo and Sam, all the way from the Shire to Mount Doom! My mom loves to get the most out of any experience, and I love her for it. But when you translate that during a movie, it means we have Q and A throughout the entire epic, as well as after Middle Earth has finally been saved from Sauron's slobbering, barbaric hordes. Lucky for me, I had taken an upper-level class on Tolkien. Amid our many conversations, we discussed Tolkien's definition of a hero, which, thanks to my mother, dusted off older insights, challenging me to apply them anew. For Tolkien, a hero never takes a survey to assess the likelihood of success or failure, victory or defeat. This is reminiscent of Gimli's comical line from the film: "Certainty of death. Small chance of success. What are we waiting for?!" Somehow, somewhere, we admire that, want to be like that. For Tolkien, heros were driven by something much deeper, more profound than merely crunching the numbers to assess triumph. Something at the heart-level stirs. In the final battle, Aragorn, Legolas, Gimli and Gandalf march to face an army that is much larger, one which is certain to defeat them, not because they entertain a notion of victory, but because they know it is right that they should do so. In another epic, Beowulf slays dragon after dragon, certain that one day he will meet one that will surely overpower him. And yet, his virtue continues as before, as he draws his sword, and enters the fray. For Tolkien then, the answer is this: a hero knows and does what is right, not counting the cost. Enter Sam who nearly drowns for his loyalty to Frodo. Borromir, who even after a seismic sin, sacrifices himself to protect Merry and Pippin. Gandalf confronts his fear and engages the Balrog to save his friends. Aragorn leaps into a lethal flourish against the impossible Nazgul, to safeguard the young hobbits of whom he has taken charge. Do what is right. Count not the cost. Something suggests to us they would not be greats if they did otherwise.

Yet what does all this mean for Warrior Camp? Great question. And you may have some intriguing applications taking shape in your mind already. But after that conversation with my mom in the gym of my brother's ball game, I immediately knew how it applied to Warrior Camp and to me. I don't know if Warrior Camp will ever reach phase 3 or phase 4, where we have 300 young warriors from across the nation for one or two full weeks, building weapons, competing in battle games, hearing the gospel and being genuinely discipled. I don't know if Warrior Camp will ever have it's own medieval-themed campground with a court yard, archery range, castle and functional, full-scale catapults. And I'm not certain God would have me know. However, what I do know is this: it is right that Warrior Camp should exist. That it honors Him. And, God willing, that at every phase and opportunity, we will preach His good news, have fun, and disciple a younger generation in becoming authentic men after God's own heart.


It's always good to hear from you and what God is doing in your life.

Grow Strong and God bless,




Mailed on February 3, 2009


February 3, 2009

Dear Stephen Lawhead,

In June of last year, I wrote to let you know what an impact your books, especially the Albion Series, have had upon my life and call to ministry.  I’ve included copies of our original correspondence in this package, however, in summary, The Paradise War was an instrument used by God to inspire a unique, medieval-themed warrior camp exclusively for young men, including sword training, battle games, camaraderie among brothers, discipleship in Christ, and an emphasis on honorable masculinity.


I now write to send you a dvd from that same initial camp, about which I wrote you in June, 2008.  (As we might have expected, the sword games were the favorite!)  I hope you enjoy it, and once again, want to thank you for being a talented author committed to our Creator’s purpose.

Grow Strong and God bless,


Derek Bartlow

PS: Should you wish to write back, I would love to hear from you.  My address is below.

Derek Bartlow

105 Dale Avenue

Lynchburg, VA





Warrior Camp Team,

I hope this Warrior Camp Update finds you having a great Thanksgiving week, with lots of turkey, football, family, and Idaho mashed potatoes!

(If you're receiving this update, it's either because you're on our Warrior Camp Team, you've given me advice, or because you're one of my friends or family who I thought would like to hear what's new with our camping ministry).


Here's a quick snapshot of what's in this November update:

1. Interesting Discipleship Expansion
2. Weapon Workshop meets Christmas Elves
3. Voice of a Warrior
4. Warrior Princesses?
5. Army of Warriors
6. King


1. Recently, prayerfully sharpening our Warrior Camp discipleship has become a priority of renewed focus. To this end, we just added another interview to the growing archive of what Godly girls look for in young men. This is where I ask the big questions to young women... and then share the answers at Warrior Camp! It's alot of fun, and will be put into play in our discipleship, as we encourage young men to live out their manhood as a powerful gift from God which finds beauty in femininity and fulfillment in bringing strength to it. (In our first Warrior Camp, the lesson on "What a Godly Girl Wants" was the favorite for 3 out of 4 campers!)

2. With Christmas around the corner, the smoke stacks of the Weapon Workshop are billowing at full volume! So far, our Christmas elves have hand-crafted 4 high-performance blow-guns, with 12 more nearing completion. (If you've ever disappointedly thought a nerf gun's power leaves something to be desired, this is for you!). If you'd like to speak to one of our "elves" about requesting one for Christmas, feel free to email him at

3. The Warrior Camp Brain Trust is always looking for new, creative, and cutting edge ideas and feedback from friends and family. Many ideas are currently archived deep in the iron-clad vaults of our website, for future reference. However, within the last few months, one idea in particular from a friend, has been marinating. In the next several weeks, Warrior Camp will begin exploring additional venues of getting the word out, particularly through local Christian radio outlets, narrated ministry bios read over the air, and/or online community bulletin boards. This will allow Warrior Camp to inform more area youth pastors and youth workers about our distinctive ministry, and better connect us to others for ministry. To all the friends and family who have prayed for us or shared their ideas, thank you so much, and keep them coming!

4. Ready for a surprise? A young lady with a large resume and a firmly-grounded spiritual anchor has stepped up, inquired, and volunteered to help get the ball rolling for "Warrior Camp" for girls. Yeah, it caught me a little off-guard too! Since many of our signature games might be likened to Braveheart-meets-Disneyland, they are not something I would send my sisters into! But after my initial shock, it's been an unexpected and fresh surprise hearing her vision for girls ministry and bouncing ideas around about what form this sister-ministry might take. In case you're wondering, she the kind of young woman that always jumps in with both feet, loves the outdoors, and is an avid river-kayaker! But more importantly, she's a Christ-follower to the bone with a life worth emulating. The name of the sister ministry? So far, "Warrior Princess Camp" may be emerging. Send us your ideas. (Maybe we'll call her Xena!).

5. Taking it up a notch: In the near future, Warrior Camp will begin pursuing a ministry partnership with the Salvation Army. The Salvation Army has centers all over the country, and some centers offer after school programs, open gym time, and recreational activities for youth. The tentative plan is for Warrior Camp to come alongside the Salvation Army by offering Warrior Camp Games, the Weapon Workshop, and evangelistic and discipleship initiatives to youth. This Warrior's Bash would be hosted across 1 or 2 days, and would take place after school and/or on weekends at Salvation Army campuses starting in Idaho and/or Central Virginia. We're excited about the potential new opportunities this partnership might afford, and your prayers for it are desired!

I hope you're all having a great Thanksgiving and Christmas season! I look forward to hearing from you.

Enjoy the fellowship, food and laughter as you celebrate the abundant goodness of God!

In Christ's love,


PS: A final word from John Eldredge:


Picture in your mind’s eye an image of a great warrior, a renowned champion, returning home from far off lands. His fame has long preceded him, and now the reports of his feats are confirmed by the scars he bears, the remembrance of wounds more noble than any tokens of honor. With dignity he moves up the main causeway of the city, lined with the faces of his people, the very people for whom he has fought bravely, whose freedom he has secured. The warrior has returned after years on the field of battle, returning only when triumph was achieved and not a moment before. This is his homecoming, and it is as a conquering hero he returns. Before him, at the head of the street, stands the king, who is his father. The scene is both a homecoming, and a coronation. For the father-king will now hand the kingdom over to his son. Who is this coming from Edom, from Bozrah, with his garments stained crimson? Who is this, robed in splendor, striding forward in the greatness of his strength? It is I, speaking in righteousness, mighty to save.” After he had provided purification for sins, he sat down at the right hand of the Majesty in heaven….about the Son he says, ‘Your throne, O God, will last for ever and ever” (Hebrews 1:3,8). It could be a passage from David’s life, for he came to the throne after proving himself as a warrior. But I am referring to Jesus, of course, and while this is all quite true - biblically, historically – I’m afraid the power of it eludes us. Few of us have ever lived in a kingdom, under a king. Even fewer have ever met one. Jesus lived the days of his youth as the Beloved Son, secure in his father’s love. He matured as a young man working in the carpenter’s shop, and through his time in the wilderness. And then he went to war, and as the great Warrior he rescued his people from the kingdom of darkness, threw down the dark prince, set the captives free. As Lover, he wooed and won the hearts of his bride. And now, he reigns as King. Thus the progression of his life as a man, and thus ours. (The Way of The Wild Heart , 217, 218)
